For the Record, Aug. 8, 2007

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9:54 a.m., Aug. 8, 2007--For the Record provides information about recent professional activities of University of Delaware faculty and staff.


Several staff members of the University of Delaware Library made presentations at the 13th national conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, March 30, in Baltimore: Julie Brewer, librarian, and Asher Jackson, affiliated assistant librarian, presented “Reaching Out: Strategies for Library Career Recruitment”; Meghan Matwichuk, assistant librarian, with Monque Threatt of Indiana University, presented “Singing Like a Fish: Multimedia Innovations in Higher Education”; and Meg Meiman, senior assistant librarian, with Alex Hodges of American University, presented “Type, Look, and Listen: Transforming VR Best Practices for I(nstant) M(illennials).”

Chandra Reedy, professor of museum studies, “Life in Delaware and America” and “Communicating in English,” May 11, at Zhang Ngu School, Songpan District, Sichuan Province, China.

Bernard Herman, Edward F. and Elizabeth Goodman Rosenberg Professor of Art History, “Quilters Save Our Stories,” July 24, James Madison Building, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Margaret Werth, associate professor of art history, “A Long Entwined Effort: Colonizing Giverny,” in Impressionist Giverny: A Colony of Artists, 1885-1915, University of Chicago Press.


Kevin M. Eichinger, chemical hygiene officer, occupational health and safety, was appointed by Gov. Ruth Ann Miner to serve on the Delaware Cancer Consortium Environmental Committee.