Videos show how to remove PNPI from computers
1:06 p.m., May 4, 2007--IT-User Services has released two new videos in its Consulting on Demand Series. The videos show how to find PNPI (personal, nonpublic information) on a computer and then securely erase it. With the growth of identity theft, it is important to remove PNPI from computers, both at the University and at home.

Both videos can be found at [].

Searching for Sensitive Information on Your Computer discusses two free search tools--Spotlight for the Macintosh and Copernic for the PC--and demonstrates step-by-step how to use them.

Erasing Sensitive Information from Your Computer covers Secure Empty Trash for the Macintosh and Eraser for the PC. It also offers step-by-step instructions for using the tools.

If a system is being passed on to another user, Eraser is a great choice for making sure all personal files are gone. With Eraser, personal files can be securely erased without erasing everything on the machine.

If your department is getting rid of a computer entirely, it is important to make sure the whole drive is securely erased. The tools used to do this will destroy everything on a drive without the possibility of recovery and should only be used by an expert like a department CITA or an IT professional.

If your department does not have a CITA, contact the IT Help Center at (302) 831-6000 to request assistance.

To see a list of all downloadable Consulting on Demand episodes, go to