For the Record, April 20, 2007

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11:19 a.m., April 20, 2007--For the Record provides information about recent professional activities of University of Delaware faculty and staff.


Theodore E.D. Braun, professor emeritus of French and comparative literature, with Guillaume Robichez, Lumieres voiles: Oeuvres choisies d'un magistrat chrétien du XVIIIe siécle. Textes de Le Franc de Pompignan, Saint-Etienne, 2007.


Richard Wool, professor of chemical engineering, with Shana Bunker, EG '00/M,'02/PhD, “Polymer-Solid Interface Connectivity and Adhesion: Design of a Bio-based Pressure Sensitive Adhesive,” at Adhesion Society annual meeting, Feb. 18, Tampa. The article received the society's Distinguished Paper Award.

John Talley, director of Delaware Geological Survey and state geologist, “Ground-Water Availability, Trends in Water Demands Associated with Irrigation and Public Water Supply through 2030, and Potential Conflicts that May Arise from Competing Demands for Water,” at Friends of Agriculture Breakfast, March 16, at Modern Maturity Center in Dover, Del.


William S. Schenck, scientist, Delaware Geological Survey, attended the National Association of State Boards of Geology Council of Examiners as a subject matter expert for the Delaware Board of Professional Geologists, March 29-April 1, Minneapolis.