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New employees, transfers and retirees

1:45 p.m., Feb. 2, 2005--During November and December, 28 new employees came to UD, 11 employees transferred to new positions within the University and four retired. Click on the employee names in boldface to see their photos.

New employees

Employee transfers

  • Christina G. Andrews, training coordinator, Center for Community Research and Service
  • Cynthia A. Barnett, staff assistant, marine studies
  • Comfort K. Brownell, coordinator, Office of the Vice Provost for Research
  • Christine E. Cook, assistant provost, Office of the Vice Provost for Research
  • Consuelo Gonzales, extension agent I, agriculture research/education
  • Ruth M. Jackson, staff assistant, Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
  • Tina M. Kosinski, staff assistant, Facilities
  • Cynthia Munyan, staff assistant, Campus Life
  • Francis M. Karani, senior lab technician, laboratory animal medicine
  • David H. McCarren, assistant director, Delaware Biotechnology Institute
  • Gregory M. Perrine, CITA III, Office of the Vice Provost for Research


  • Doris M. Manship, coordinator, marine studies
  • Susan L. Savini, secretary, Office of the University Registrar
  • Tonya R. Skufca, records analyst/coordinator, collection services
  • Marlyn A. Webb, secretary, agriculture research/education

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