Celebrate College Colors Day on Friday
1:05 p.m., Aug. 30, 2007--With the fall semester and the football season gearing up, it's time for all Blue Hens and their friends to proclaim their school spirit and pride in UD by participating in the third annual national College Colors Day celebration, Friday, Aug. 31. To mark the occasion, students, alumni, football fans and future Blue Hens are invited to show their True Blue allegiance by wearing UD clothing on Colors Day.

The UD Bookstore is helping to kick off the national collegiate celebration by offering 20 percent off all UD logo merchandise on Friday, Aug. 31, at its locations in the Perkins Student Center, Trabant University Center YoUDee Shop and Hen Essentials in the Rust Ice Arena

College Colors Day is organized by the Collegiate Licensing Company and a consortium of colleges and universities.

For more information, visit [www.collegecolorsday.com].