VOLUME 22 #3

Current cover

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Online program develops teachers who lead

School-based teacher leadership, a growing trend in today’s schools, enables educators to extend their sphere of influence beyond the walls of their own classrooms.

To develop those leaders, the School of Education is offering an online master’s degree program in teacher leadership to current PK-12 teachers.

Through highly interactive virtual learning, students will learn how to engage in collaborative professional development, plan for and enact school-wide change and share classroom wisdom with a wider audience.

Courses are offered in seven-week sessions. The 30-credit (10-course) program can be completed in two years.

Each week’s lesson module provides students the opportunity to engage in discussion with classmates, watch videos, complete activities, ask questions and respond to professors’ queries.

“Because our students are teachers currently working in the classroom, we build activities into their curriculum that they can apply to their daily teaching activities,” says Elizabeth Soslau, professor and program coordinator. “By incorporating real-time activities, we reinforce their learning.”

Candidates can apply for the program at any time during the year, with applications accepted for five start dates—two in fall, two in spring and one in the summer.

For more information, visit www.education.udel.edu/teacherleadership or email Soslau at esoslau@udel.edu.

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