Inclusive campus

Office of Equity and Inclusion offers fall training sessions, workshops


12:44 p.m., Sept. 25, 2015--The University of Delaware Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) has announced this year’s fall training sessions, workshops and programs.

The purpose of OEI’s workshops and programs is to foster a positive campus community and climate that is equitable and inclusive of all individuals. By offering training sessions that focus on topics that can hinder inclusivity, OEI aims to bring diversity and campus climate awareness to the University’s community.

FYI Stories

June 6: UDid It! Picnic

All UD faculty and staff members are invited to attend the annual UDid It! employee appreciation picnic, set from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Monday, June 6, on The Green.

2FA protects you

If you are using two-factor authentication (2FA), even if a hacker has your password, your information is probably safe.

Applying this knowledge and drawing on the strengths, perspectives and skill sets of diverse populations will strengthen and better UD, a representative of the office said.

The workshops will cover topics that range from workplace bullying to reducing unintentional biases and discrimination. Many of OEI’s workshops and trainings are meant to encourage and support diversity at UD. 

OEI ultimately aims to highlight the importance of having an inclusive workplace and educational environment.

Scheduled training sessions include:

Creating an Inclusive Campus Climate (three-part series)

Series 1, Unintentional Bias: The Context of Discrimination. This workshop analyzes the subtle ways that racial, ethnic, gender and sex biases inhibit a positive and inclusive campus environment. The training provides participants with strategies on increasing awareness of microaggressions and how to mitigate the effects of unintentional biases. (Sept. 29, 2-3:30 p.m.; Oct. 8, 1-2:30 p.m.; and Oct. 15, 9-10:30 a.m.)

Series 2, Understanding Harassment. This training enables employees to correctly identify issues of harassment and discrimination, understand their mandatory reporting options, and implement strategies on how to respond to people and various scenarios. (Oct. 20, 2-3:30 p.m.; Oct. 27, 1-2:30 p.m.; Nov. 4, 9-10:30 a.m.)

Series 3, Respect and Courtesy in the Workplace. This workshop aims to tackle the pervasiveness of workplace bullying by helping participants identify troubling behavior and how to be an effective bystander. (Nov. 10, 2-3:30 p.m.; Nov. 18, 9-10:30 a.m.; Dec. 3, 1-2:30 p.m.)

ABC’s of Diversity

This training is an introduction to the basics of diversity as it relates to various populations such as the LGBT and other underrepresented communities. It also will touch on the importance of diversity in higher education. (Jan. 19, 9-11 a.m., and March 17, 9-11 a.m.)

Intercultural Team Building (per request starting January 2016)

This workshop aim to assist departments with unifying individuals comprised of diverse backgrounds and cultures. It will place emphasis on creating positive and collaborative work relationships by educating participants on strategies for effective communication and conflict management.

UD employees can register for one or more sessions through the ConnectingU calendar.

For questions about these programs or to request a presentation, contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at 302-831-8063.

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