UD ACRES research on Sundance Channel
UD’s Richard Wool
3:27 p.m., June 17, 2008--University of Delaware research on the use of green composite materials being conducted by the Affordable Composites from Renewable Sources (ACRES) group, under the direction of Richard Wool, professor of chemical engineering, will be featured at 9 p.m., Tuesday, June 17, on the Sundance Channel.

The research, which centers on the use of soybean oil and chicken feathers in new biobased composite materials, including computer circuit boards, is highlighted in the Sundance program Big Ideas for a Small Planet: Gadgets.

For those with Verizon FiOS television service, Sundance is on channel 384.

To view a webisode featuring research into hurricane resistant roofing materials by Wool and Tripp Shenton, acting chairperson of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, see the Sundance Channel site [www.sundancechannel.com/thegreen/#/bigIdeas:landing].