Study-abroad students share experiences via blogs
UD students explore Turkey.
4:06 p.m., Jan. 25, 2008--For those interested in experiencing Antarctica, Turkey and several other exotic locales vicariously, blogs maintained by UD students and faculty studying abroad this Winter Session might offer inspiration.

Typically scheduled over Winter Session, the four- and five-week stays give UD students and faculty the opportunity to learn and study in foreign countries, and the blog entries written by participants provide those stuck back home a virtual passport into loved ones' adventures in exotic lands.

The following links are to blogs that are currently active.

Visit [] to read frequently updated experiences and see photos from participants of the 2008 UD trip to Antarctica/Patagonia.

To follow the travels of UD students who are now studying in Turkey and Greece, go to [].

To learn about the adventures of students on a UD study-abroad program in Brazil, go to [].

To see photo highlights from a study abroad trip by 16 UD undergrads to the Caribbean island Bonaire, where they're helping researchers study coral reefs, go to: []

And to follow the UD contingent of Engineers Without Borders--a trio comprised of two UD engineering students and Steven Dentel, UD professor of civil and environmental engineering--as they conduct a site assessment for an ongoing potable water supply project in the village of Bakang, Cameroon, go to [].