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‘UDaily’ offers instant online news updates

2:10 p.m., Sept. 16, 2005--Do you use a news reader? If so, UDaily news feeds are now available.

UDaily users may select feeds of news articles, “Need to Know” items, “What’s Happening” and/or “Athletics.” That way, every time a news item is posted to UDaily, it also will appear on the desktop.

Click the "XML/RSS" button on the top right corner of the UDaily home page at [www.udel.edu/udaily] or see [www.udel.edu/PR/UDaily/rss] for the feeds that UD provides.

If you don't use a news reader and want to, see [www.udel.edu/PR/UDaily/rss] for information on why you might want to and for directions on getting started.

The “XML/RSS” link at the top of the UDaily home page takes the user to instructions on how to begin the process of selecting and downloading a news reader (or aggregator) that displays RSS content feeds from the web sites you choose. Many news readers are available at no charge.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a technology that allows the sharing of web-based information. XML is a software language that programs RSS.

RSS is used mainly to put news and information from different web sites on the desktop for instant access.

A news-reader program is installed on the desktop, and it automatically brings updated news and information to desktops from sites each person selects, such as research information, news and weather. That eliminates the need to visit a series of web pages and refresh them.

Once the news reader is set up, simply follow the instructions to subscribe to UDaily and any other RSS content feeds you choose.

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