2010 News Stories

Day # 4 Recap 7 October 2010

The day began with a presentation on sports psychology by University of Delaware’s winningest lacrosse coach, Bob Shillinglaw.  Coach Shillinglaw focused on a four step visualization process for mentally preparing for peak performance.  The four steps include: physical and mental relaxation, mental recall, affirmative self talk and mental rehearsal.  Coach Shillinglaw made it clear that an athlete should practice the visualization method at least three times each day.   An athlete will gradually start to become more aware of their sport environment practicing these steps.

Athletic trainer, Dan Watson, brought forth an exciting presentation on emergency management for coaches.  The first part of the presentation was lecture based where the coaches learned about different injuries they could see on the playing field, how to assess the injury, dealing with an unconscious athlete and how to properly perform CPR.  Once the lecture concluded Dan Watson had the coaches practice CPR on dummies set in the back of the classroom.  Each coach was allowed time to practice giving rescue breaths and compressions. 

After returning from lunch, class was back in session.  The afternoon session kicked out with a bang with Jeff Schneider’s presentation on strength training for adolescent athletes.  He covered various topics current exercise recommendations, recent findings, effectiveness of youth resistance training, program variation and much more.  Dr. William Farquhar lectured on fluid balance and temperature regulation in athletes.  The three main points that the coaches gained were:  1. Not one physiological factor determines performance, 2. Dehydration and heat stress increase physiological strain and impair performance 3. Fluid intake strategies should be individualized to the athlete.

An evening presentation took place in Purnell Hall.  Dr. Robinson spoke more on what each project should contain.  Projects from previous years were passed around for the coaches to view and get a mindset to what they want to accomplish.  Each coach was assigned to make a five to six slide power point presentation on their problem and mission statements.