The University Student Centers Winter Film Series will continue on Wednesday, Jan. 20, with a screening of the critically acclaimed movie "A Band Called Death" and an appearance by its co-director.

Jan. 20: 'Band Called Death'

Winter Film Series to feature 'Band Called Death,' co-director


3:10 p.m., Jan. 15, 2016--The University Student Centers Winter Film Series will continue on Wednesday, Jan. 20, with a screening of the critically acclaimed movie A Band Called Death and an appearance by its co-director.

The movie will be shown at 7 p.m. in the University of Delaware’s Trabant University Center Theatre. 

Events Stories

June 5: Blue Hen 5K

University of Delaware graduates planning to attend Alumni Weekend are encouraged to register for the annual Blue Hen 5K walk and run, which will be held Sunday morning, June 5.

June 6-9: Food and culture series

The 20th annual June Lecture Series at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UD in Wilmington will be held June 6-9. Titled 'June a la Carte,' this year's program focuses on great political documents, feminism, world politics and a Newark cuisine sampler.

Jeff Howlett, who made his first directorial effort with the film, will introduce it and engage in a question-and-answer session following the screening.

The movie is free and open to the public. Seating is limited and tickets will not be available in advance.

For further information, call Alex Keen of the University Student Centers at 302-831-2428 for or visit the event on Student Central.

The Winter Film Series will continue with showings of Land Ho! on Wednesday, Jan. 27, and Sound of My Voice on Wednesday, Feb. 3, both at 7 p.m. in the Trabant Theatre.

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