Paycheck spear phishing

University IT reports paycheck spear phishing scam aimed at employees


3:33 p.m., Aug. 13, 2015--University of Delaware IT is reporting a paycheck spear phishing scam in which employees are advised that they are due for a salary raise and asked to access documents.

The email has the subject line “Your August 2015 Paycheck,” and has borrowed a University mark, the seal and name in a blue bar.

FYI Stories

June 6: UDid It! Picnic

All UD faculty and staff members are invited to attend the annual UDid It! employee appreciation picnic, set from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Monday, June 6, on The Green.

2FA protects you

If you are using two-factor authentication (2FA), even if a hacker has your password, your information is probably safe.

The oddly worded signature includes the word “faithfully,” and hovering over the link to “salary raise documents” brings up a non-UD address.

“This email is a strong reminder that you should never automatically trust email just because it looks or claims to come from someone or some business you know,” an IT representative said. “Always verify the information and links in the email and perform any requested actions by going to the company’s site and logging yourself in safely.”

For more on this and other scams, see the Secure UD Threat Alerts site.

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