Faculty members are encouraged to register their courses for the UD Capture classroom recording service by noon, Friday, Feb. 6.

UD Capture registration

Faculty members encouraged to sign up for UD Capture by Feb. 6


2:05 p.m., Feb. 4, 2015--University of Delaware faculty members are encouraged to sign up for the UD Capture service by noon, Friday, Feb. 6. This free service records course content for faculty and students to review at any point in time.

All centrally scheduled classrooms are equipped with UD Capture, as are many departmental classrooms and meeting rooms. To make sure a classroom is equipped, faculty can check online to see if UD Capture is available in a given classroom, then use the UD Capture registration form to sign up for the service. 

FYI Stories

June 6: UDid It! Picnic

All UD faculty and staff members are invited to attend the annual UDid It! employee appreciation picnic, set from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Monday, June 6, on The Green.

2FA protects you

If you are using two-factor authentication (2FA), even if a hacker has your password, your information is probably safe.

To guarantee that the first day of a course is recorded, complete the registration form by noon on Feb. 6. Requests made after noon that day will be honored but may not be implemented until the first or second class meeting after the request has been received.

With UD Capture, everything happens automatically behind the scenes. Faculty members register their courses for UD Capture, then start teaching as they ordinarily would. Within 15 minutes of the end of each class meeting, an online recording is available to the members of the class. 

This free service records a faculty member’s projected computer visuals and the audio from the class meeting for the students, teaching assistants, and faculty to review at any time. Faculty can also use UD Capture document cameras, installed in several classrooms or available for checkout.

UD faculty are using classroom recording for many reasons:

  • “My students don't always ‘get it’ the first time I present it. Record, review, retain — that’s the essence of classroom recording.”
  • “I have students who miss class for athletics, scheduling conflicts, family needs. The classroom recording removes excuses for keeping up.”
  • “I want more time in class for discussion and problem solving. Since my students can review UD Capture content outside of class, more class time is available for these interactive activities.” 
  • “I want to record my handwriting and in-class demonstrations. With a UD Capture document camera, my handwriting is easier to read in class, and it can be recorded.”

Faculty and students can check in UD Courses Search to see if an individual course or section is registered for UD Capture. 

For more information about UD Capture, including the popular self-service studios, annotated recordings, and recording “one-time” events, visit the UD Capture website or contact udcapture@udel.edu.

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