Stephanie L. Kerschbaum has received the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication Advancement of Knowledge Award for her book "Toward a New Rhetoric of Difference."

Advancement of Knowledge

UD's Kerschbaum wins award for book on teaching, diversity


11:46 a.m., Feb. 18, 2015--Stephanie L. Kerschbaum, assistant professor of English at the University of Delaware, has received the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Advancement of Knowledge Award for her book Toward a New Rhetoric of Difference.

The CCCC is a constituent organization within the National Council of Teachers of English. The award honors an empirical research publication from the past two years that most advances writing studies.

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Toward a New Rhetoric of Difference addresses racial and diversity issues in higher education. The book’s topic is also a focus in her teaching, Kerschbaum said: “I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to regularly teach that course and conduct graduate seminars focused on rhetoric and writing studies.”

Kerschbaum teaches both undergraduate and graduate programs in the Department of English and focuses her research on diversity issues, disability and the teaching of writing. 

Currently, she is a 2014-15 Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellow for the American Association of University Women.

Kerschbaum will be presented the award on March 20 during the 2015 CCCC annual convention in Tampa, Florida.

More information on past winners and the Advancement of Knowledge Award can be found at this website.

Article by Ashley Heller

Photo by Kathy F. Atkinson

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