Como agua para chocolate 
Summary of the novel thus far
Page 6 of 7
         In the days and months which followed, Tita's emptiness consumed her.  Mamá Elena misinterpreted this sorrow for surliness.  She ordered Tita to be in charge of cooking the food for the wedding banquet,  and to show the proper respect for her sister's wedding. 

    Finally, the eve of the wedding arrived.  Nacha and Tita were up late finishing the preparations.  Nacha urged Tita to express her pain at that moment, as opposed to showing her tears the day of the wedding ceremony.  Tita's tears began to fall. . . Nacha's tears fell, also. . . right into the cake batter.  They cried and hugged and continued to stir the batter. 

    The wedding ceremony was beautiful.  The banquet was exquisite.  The final event was the sharing of the wedding cake.  But that wasn't all the guests shared. . . 

    As they bit into the cake, the guests were overcome with emotion.  They began to yearn for their first love;  and with each bite of cake, the yearnings became stronger and stronger.  Even Mamá Elena had to escape to a private place to open her locket, which contained a photo of her true love (a man who was not Señor Juan!) 

    Suddenly the feelings became so intense that everyone had to run to the river nearby and vomit!  What a scene it was! 

ÍNDICE        AYUDA         VOLVER         CONTINUAR