University of Delaware Campus & Public Safety Leverages Technology to Enhance Public Safety

Building community partnerships with citizens

The University of Delaware Police Department is pleased to announce a new crime mapping program called This is a free service.

Crimemapping .com is a public crime mapping system allowing the University Police Department to share crime information with the community. This is an effort to reduce crime, enhance public safety and build community partnerships with citizens.

You may access the website for the University of Delaware Police Department using this link.

About data and disclaimer

The source of this data is the daily crime report which is prepared each day and describes incidents reported to the University Police. Data included on the maps and tables reflect incidents reported to the police. The data contained on the map is not real-time and will be updated as time and resources allow. They do not reflect the total number of incidents reported, as multiple offenses may occur in a single incident. Neither do they reflect results of investigations connected with listed offenses. Offenses shown on the site are those crimes required to be reported by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.