Evaluation of Student Seminar Presentations1

Many students perceive criticism just as uncomplimentary or even destructive. The legitimate purpose of all criticism should be improvement. Only if we are aware of problems can we do something about them. Few of us are honest enough and discerning enough to give ourselves the impartial objective view of ourselves which we can get from a friendly critic on the outside. By exposing ourselves to criticism we give ourselves the opportunity to improve in unexpected ways.

All presentations are subject to evaluation. (This course itself will benefit from your criticisms at the end of the semester.) Much can be learned from the evaluation of poor seminars. Good seminars could have been even better. Two principles of criticism should be kept in mind: recognition of existing merit is essential in criticism, and faultfinding without a suggestion for improvement is not useful. Only when one understands the art of criticism as an appraisal, recognizing both good and bad, and offering constructive suggestions is one ready to evaluate the performance of others and ready to receive criticism oneself.

As a rule, people tend to withhold what they really think of their peer’s presentation even when asked for feedback. They are likely to say "Good talk" or "Nice job" without meaning it at all. Such comments are a waste of time, if someone wants to improve. They may make the speaker feel better, but they do not help him or her to speak better. Objective analysis need not cause the harm of resentment and self-consciousness that negative criticism, tactlessly stated, can produce.

A critic should constantly be thinking "Why?" Why did I like that example? Why can't I follow this argument? Why did my attention wander? Why was the information presented this way rather than some other? A critic should also learn from the experience of others. We all have room for improvement. As we proceed through the series of presentations, the quality of the talks should improve as the result of our collective experience.

1 Portions adapted from Smedley, R. C. (1947) Speech Evaluation, The Art of Constructive Criticism, Toastmasters International, Inc., Santa Ana, CA.


Evaluation of Group Presentation

Presenter(s) Date


Oral Communication                                                            Comments

Was problem/position clearly stated?         Y     N     ______________________________

Could speakers be heard clearly?               Y     N     ______________________________

Were transitions between speakers smooth? Y     N     ______________________________

Any distracting mannerisms?                     Y     N     ______________________________

Was material appropriate for the time?       Y     N     ______________________________

Was evidence relevant/logically presented? Y     N     ______________________________

Visual Communication

Slides easy to read/understand?                 Y     N     ______________________________

Were figures/graphs used?                        Y     N     ______________________________

Were figures/graphs effective?                  Y     N     ______________________________

Was color used effectively?                      Y     N     ______________________________

Number of slides appropriate for time/topic? Y     N     ______________________________

Content of the Presentation

State in your own words what you consider to be the main point of the presentation?

What evidence did you find most effective in supporting the group=s position?

What evidence do you have that the group had command of their subject based on their presentation and response to questions?

On the back: What one thing did the group do especially well? What would you suggest the speaker(s)/group should work on to achieve the greatest improvement in subsequent talks?

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Created: 24 August 1998, Last updated: 24 October 2000 by Hal White
Copyright 2000, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716