Art 110-013: Drawing I
Fall 2006 - Marquez
Tues/Thurs 9:30-11:30am, 110 Taylor

René J. Marquez
office: Taylor Hall 109
office hours: T 2:30-4:30 by appt.

For full syllabus:
Your semester-long project will revolve around the university's "Zero Tolerance" policy. It has its own website at:
Your project site is the center of campus, outside the main (east facing) doors of Morris Library. You will have use of the full area bounded by the library, Memorial Hall on the north, Alison Hall on the east, and the "circle" to the south. This area is commonly referred to as the Green.

Course Requirements
Attendance is mandatory.  Three unexcused absences will result in your final grade decreasing by one third (that is, you are allowed two unexcused absences).  For example, if your final grade is a 'C', three unexcused absences will cause it to fall to a 'C-'.  Subsequent absences will cause it to fall further, one third of a grade for each absence.  Arriving to class late and/or leaving early three times will count as one unexcused absence.  To avoid unexcused absences, please consult with me before you miss class.

Projects will each be graded on a scale of 0-4.0 (4.0=A, 3.0=B, 2.0=C, 1.0=D).  Work not submitted on the designated due date will be considered late.  Project grades will decrease by one full grade for each class the project is late.  Work will not be accepted if missed due to an unexcused absence.

Final Portfolios will be collected at the end of the semester and graded as above.  The final portfolio grade constitutes one third of your final grade for the course.

Final grades will be based upon the average of your project grades, homework grades, final portfolio grade, attendance, and weighted for effort and class participation.

Please be aware that we will have class critiques in which work is shared and discussed.  By being part of this class, we each agree to address other people and their work with respect.

Tentative Schedule:
with links to homework assignments, project requirements, and images from class

Aug. 29 Intro
Site Study; homework #1
5 Site Study; homework #1 DUE
7 Site Study
12 Site Study
14 Critique
19 Site Study Drawings DUE; Object/Structure Study
21 Object/Structure Study; homework #2
26 Object/Structure Study; homework DUE
28 Object/Structure Study
Oct.3 Object/Structure Study
5 Object/Structure Study
10 Object/Structure Study Drawings DUE; Critique
12 Abstraction/Construction
17 Abstraction/Construction
19 Abstraction/Construction
24 Internal Studies
26 Internal Studies; homework #3
31 Internal Studies
Nov. 2 Internal Studies
9 Internal Studies
14 Internal Studies
16 Internal Studies
21 Internal Studies drawings DUE; Critique
23 Thanksgiving Recess - NO CLASS
28 Final Project Proposal
30 Final Project Proposal
Friday, Dec.8 FINAL CDs DUE