<Headline>Impact of Heat Waves on Mortality — Rome, June 1–August 15, 2003

Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report


P Michelozzi, MS, F de’ Donato, MS, G Accetta, PhD, F Forastiere, PhD,

M D’Ovidio, and C Perucci, MD

Dept. of Epidemiology, Rome Local Health Authority.

L Kalkstein, PhD.

Center for Climatic Research, Univ. of Delaware.


<Body Text> During the summer of 2003, record high temperatures were observed across Europe, and Italy was one of the European countries most affected by these this e high temperatures. The higher frequency and intensity of heat waves might lead to an increase in heat-related deaths in the future with the greatest impact on urban populations, particularly the elderly and the ill. A Heat Health Watch Warning System (HHWWS) has been activated in Rome insince 2000 to alert health and social services of potentially oppressive weather conditions that negatively affect health (1).

To assess the health impact of the heat wave in Rome, the Department of Epidemiology of the Rome Health Authority evaluated the relationship between temperature and daily mortality for the period June 1–August 15, 2003, and compared the observed excess mortality observed with the mortality estimated predicted by the HHWWS. The results of the analysis indicate record excess mortality during heat wave periods, and a strong association between daily mortality and temperature. The HHWWS was able to identify forecast observed peaks in mortality up to 3 days in advance. These findings emphasize the need to expand the development of warning systems and prevention programs aimed at susceptible populations in order to reduce the impact of heat on mortality.


In Rome significant increases  in daily mortality is are frequently observed during the summer (2),  and in 1999 Rome was included in a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) project on cities at high risk of heat/health impact. The city has an estimated population of 2.700.000, of which 486.000 (18%) are over 65 years of age (2001, National Census) (3). The mean annual number of total deaths is 26.000 (4). Daily deaths in Rome from June 1–August 15, 2003 were obtained from the Mortality Registry of Rome (4). Deaths due to accidents (International Classification of Deaths, ICD-9: 800-999) and those occurring outside Rome were excluded from the analysis. Daily excess mortality was defined as the difference between the number of deaths observed on a given day and the smoothed average daily value for the reference period (1995–2002). Confidence limits were determined on the assumingption of a Poisson distribution.  To evaluate the association between excess mortality and socio-economic status, a deprivation index based on education, occupation, unemployment, number of family members, overcrowding and household ownership data for the census tract of residence was applied (5).

HHWW systems are based on a  synoptic climatological procedure which defines air masses and identifieidentifiess “oppressive” conditions historically associated with an increase in mortality. (6,7). Meteorological forecast data is applied to the system to predict oppressive air masses and the related excess in mortality. The performance of the HHWWS of Rome during summer was evaluated comparing alarm days with excess in mortality predicted by the system to heat wave days defined as those with an observed maximum apparent temperature (Tappmax[1]) (8) above the 90th annual percentile and with a difference of 2°C between the first heat wave day and the previous day.



          During the studymmer period considered, the mean daily temperature was 3° C above the mean and Tappmax was 35.2°C compared to 31.1°C for the reference period.  Tappmax was higher than 33.1°C (90th annual percentile) on 55 days (72% vs 35% in the reference period ). Three major heat wave periods were observed in Rome; the first episode (June 9–July 2) registered a mean Tappmax of 36.1°C, with peaks of 37.9°C and 40.3°C. The second (July 10-30) had a mean Tappmax of 36.4°C and registered two peaks above 40°C; while the third was shorter (August 3-13) but registered a higher mean (38.2°C) with three days above 40°C.



          Overall daily mortality  trends followed temperature trends, with peaks in mortality coinciding with peaks in maximum apparent temperature or with a lag of one day (figure1). The total mortality was 17.5% higher than expected with 708 excess deaths. The first heat wave was associated with an increase in mortality of 343 total excess deaths; 285 during the second heat wave (July 10–30) and only 84 excess deaths in the third. Excess in mortality was observed only among people over 65 years old and increased dramatically with age: 24 more deaths occurred among people aged 65–74 years (+2.5%), 254 in those aged 75–84 years (+20.4%), and 461 (+40.2%) aged >85 years. The increase in  mortality was greater among females with 499 deaths compared to 209 male deaths. The higher mortality of women can be attributed to the higher proportion of females in the elderly population. Excess mortality was higher for out-of-hospital (+22.6%) than in-hospital deaths (+6.4%). Furthermore, a strong association was observed with socio-economic status: excess mortality was 5.9% in the highest level, 2.7% in the medium-high, 12.7% in the medium-low and 17.8% in the lowest level (figure 2).


In the summer of 2003 the HHWWS called an alarm on 21 days (28%) and an emergency on 18 days (24%). The system was able to identify predict the major peaks in observed mortality observed,  but underestimated the total number of excess deaths (467 excess deaths vs. 738 observed for the 65+ age group). The underestimation by the system was probably  due to the unusually extreme weather conditions that persisted throughout the summer 2003 which resulted in oppressive air masses associated with higher temperatures that had greater impact on heat-related mortality. These weather conditions are less represented in the retrospective data utilized to builtd the predictive model.


Reported by: P Michelozzi, MS, F de’ Donato, MS, G Accetta, PhD, F Forastiere, PhD, M D’Ovidio, C Perucci, MD, Dept of Epidemiology, Rome Local Health Authority. L Kalkstein, Prof., Univ of Delaware, Center for Climatic Research.


Editorial Note: Although interest in the impact of heat on mortality is growing, events this summer have made it clear that the majority of European countries were unprepared to cope with this emergency. An aAccurate estimates of the heat-related mortality in the most affected European countries isare still not still available, however tens of thousands of excess deaths have probably occurred.

          The high mortality observed during summer 2003 was a consequence of extremely high temperatures for many consecutive days, the early onset of hot weather, and the prolonged heat stress conditions. In Rome a total of 708 excess deaths were observed, 17.5% higher than the reference period. The highest increase was observed in people over 75 living in the most deprived areas of the city.  Socio-economic condition may reflect housing quality, access to air conditioning, individual behaviour, access to social and health services and other social factors that can potentially impact health. However, the effect might also be caused by the higher proportion of elderly people of low socio-economic status who remain in the city during summer.

          A harvesting effect, or displacement of mortality, has been reported after heat wave episodes, with peaks followed by a reduction in mortality over the subsequent weeks (9). During summer 2003, persistent high temperatures maintained mortality at above average levels, but the observed increase in daily mortality in August’s during the heat wave in August was smaller than in the previous 2003 heat wave periods. However, the available data do not allow for valid estimates of time variation of the denominator during the study period.

         In 2002, the Department of Epidemiology and the Municipality of Rome collaborated on the HHWWS and established an intervention plan aimed at the elderly and other susceptible groups. Public and private institutions and organizations were identifienrolled and acted as mediators between the warning system and the population. Specific guidelines were developed for the general population, and for patients suffering from specific diseases by the Department of Epidemiology in collaboration with the Association of General Practitioners. Intervention activities include a 24-hour a day tele-assistance program, where registered users can call an operation centre for assistance.

          Further studies will be needed to assess weather the HHWWS and the associated preventive programs had been able to reduce the heat related mortality in Rome during summer 2003.

          In Italy, the increasing proportion of elderly people and global warming could make the susceptible population more vulnerable and heat-related mortality may increase.

Heat stress conditions are predictable, and valid and efficient HHWWS combined with appropriateffective prevention measureprograms may reduce heat-related mortality. 

In Europe there is a need to promote interest on climate and health. A European Commission-funded project (Assessment and Prevention of Acute Health Effects of Weather conditions in Europe-PHEWE) on climate and health involving 16 cities from different countries started in 2002 is in course. The main objectives will be  to evaluate the acute health effects of weather, to implement HHWWS in a subgroup of pilot cities, to develop preventive strategies to minimise adverse health effects, and to define guidelines for public health interventions in Europe.



















1.            Michelozzi P, Fano V, Kirchmayer U, Becker M, Forastiere F, Perucci CA. Public Health Programmes for the Prevention of Negative Health Effects of Combined Climate and Air Pollution Conditions in the City of Rome, Presentation at XX Reunion Cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Epidemiologia, September 2002.

2.      Albertoni F, Arcŕ M, Borgia P, Perucci CA, Tasco C. Heat-related mortality Latium Region summer 1983, MMWR, 1984;33:518–21.


3.      http://dawinci.istat.it/pl/

4.      Michelozzi P, Barca A, Capon A, Fano V, Kirchmayer U, Perucci CA 2000. Mortality in Rome and the Lazio Region 1993-98: Cd-rom Atlas.

5.      Michelozzi P, Perucci CA, Forastiere F, Fusco D, Ancona C, Dell’Orco V. Inequality in health: socioeconomic differentials in mortality in Rome, 1990-95. Journal Epidemiology and Community Health 1999;11:687–93.

6.      Kalkstein LS, Nichols MC, Barthel CD, Greene JS. A New Spatial Synoptic Classification: Application to Air Mass Analysis. International Journal of Climatology, 1996;16:983–1004.

7.      Sheridan SC. The Re-development of a Weather Type Classification Scheme for North America. International Journal of Climatology, 2002;22:51–68.

8.      Kalkstein LS,Valimont KM. An Evaluation of summer discomfort in the United States using a relative climatological index, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 1986;67:842–8.


9.      Braga AL, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, The time course of weather-related deaths, Epidemiology 2001;12:662–7.



[1] Tappmax= -2.653 + 0.994Ta + 0.0153(Td2)

Copyright © University of Delaware, 2003 December.
Synoptic Climatology Lab
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