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Education Award nominations sought

2:54 p.m., Dec. 8, 2004--UD’s Education Alumni Association is seeking nominations for its 2005 Commitment to Education Award, which honors alumni who have demonstrated an extra measure of commitment as teachers, researchers, administrators or friends of education. The deadline is Friday, Feb. 11.

The nominee must be a UD education alumna or alumnus and have at least three years’ experience as an educator. Anyone is welcome to make nominations.

The number of awards will be based on the quality of the candidates, and the awards will be presented at the Education Alumni Association Recognition Dinner in May.

To make a nomination, please submit the following information on a single typed page:

  • Nominee’s name;
  • The nominator’s relationship to the nominee;
  • How the nominee has distinguished himself or herself in the field of education; and
  • Nominator’s name, address and signature.

The following information should be provided by the nominee and should not exceed two typed pages:

  • Name, mailing address and telephone number;
  • Educational background, including all degrees, the years they were received and the institutions from which they were awarded;
  • Professional experience;
  • Professional contributions, including service, outstanding professional achievements, awards, honors and leadership positions; and
  • Community activities, including service, leadership positions, awards and/or honors within the community.

Send nominations by Feb. 11 to:
Vickie Lucas
EAA Commitment Award
School of Education
University of Delaware
120 Willard Hall Education Building
Newark, DE 19716

For more information, call (302) 831-2317.

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