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For the Record

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12:15 p.m., Jan. 28, 2003--For the Record provides information about recent professional activities of University of Delaware faculty and staff.





Patricia A. Martin-DeLeon, professor of biological sciences, with postdoctoral fellow Hong Zhang, “Mouse Epididymal Span1(PH-20) is released in the Luminal Fluid with its Lipid Anchor,” in Journal of Andrology, vol. 1, pages 51-58.

Ben Fleury-Steiner, assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice, “Before or Against the Law? Citizens’ Legal Beliefs and Experiences as Death Penalty Jurors,” in Studies in Law, Politics and Society, vol. 27, pages 115-137; and “Narratives of the Death Sentence: Towards a Theory of Legal Narrativity,” in Law and Society Review, vol. 36, no. 3, pages 501-528.

Jack R. Vinson, H. Fletcher Brown Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, with Oded Rabinovitch and Y. Frostig, “High Order Analysis of Unidirectional Sandwich Panels with Piezolaminated Face Sheets and Soft Core,” in AIAA Journal, vol. 41, no. 1, pages 110-118.


Margaret Andersen, professor of sociology and criminal justice, keynote address, “Race, Gender and Stereotypes: New Perspectives on Ideology,” at an international conference, Nov. 13, Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City.

Ben Fleury-Steiner, assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice, “The Capital Jury Project: Implications for Legal Practice,” as part of the continuing legal education program for Delaware public defenders, Dec. 13, Wilmington.


Jack R. Vinson, H. Fletcher Brown Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, is the general chairman of the 44th annual structures, structural dynamics and materials conference to be held April 7-10 in Norfolk, Va. The conference is sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Helicopter Society and the American Society for Composites. Vinson also is the senior co-chairperson of the sixth international conference on sandwich structures, March 31-April 2, in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Craig Wilson, assistant director of library collections, will serve as UD’s representative to NorthEast Research Libraries (NERL), a consortium of academic research libraries primarily in the Northeastern U.S. Susan Davi, head of the collection development department, serves as alternate.

Saul D. Hoffman, professor of economics, discussant in a session honoring the late Leslie Whittington, a professor of public policy at Georgetown University, at the American Economic Association meeting, Washington, D.C., January. Whittington, a victim of the 9/11 Pentagon plane crash, was collaborating on a textbook with Hoffman.

M. Dina Giambi, assistant director for library technical services, has been appointed to the finance committee of PALINET, a cooperative membership organization of hundreds of libraries and other institutions that collect, preserve and provide access to the record of humankind.