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UDaily Home

John Brennan
Michelle Broadway
Barbara Broge
Mary Ann Brown
Maggie Brumit
J. Robin Buccos
Milene Buckingham
Judy Crescenzi
Cindi Doucette
Larry Elveru
Kate Foster
Dave Gregory
Patti Hall
Will Harris
Joyce Hastings
Edith Havens
Emily Hayworth
Richie Holland
Vincent Jackson
Patrick Jones
Jim Kaden
Patricia Lane
Ellen Lepine
Denise Lindsey
Joy Lynam
Lynn McDowell
Don McElroy
Denise Methven
Ginger Miller
Carol Oberlander
Beth Orsega-Smith
Susan Phipps
Paul Pusecker
Darlene Reynolds
Al Roberson
Tammy Salzbrenner
Julie Skeen
Cathy Skelley
Laura Sowers
Lori Squier
Letitia Toto
Judy Watson
Dorothy Windish
Patricia Woodlin
Leslie York-Hubbard

UDAILY is produced by
the Office of Public Relations
150 South College Ave.
Newark, DE 19716-2701
(302) 831-2791

Milene Buckingham, administrative assistant, Department of Art

Photo by Jessie Johnson