University/School Alliance
Executive Board Meeting
September 17, 2008
at UD Cooperative Extension Office 3:30 PM


Kristen Blanchard                SODAT, Delaware
Rosemary Brooks                Sanford Parent
Cindy Genau                                    UD Cooperative Extension
Nancy Chase                       UD Wellspring
Howard Isenberg                 Open Door
Erica Melman                       OPEI
Yvonne Nass                                    Parent Education Consulting
Jo-Ann West                         Salesianum School Nurse

Staff Attending:

            Roberta Gealt, Mary Perno


·         GRANTS:  The DFC grant has been renewed for another year as of October 1, 2008, with one additional potential year after that. There remains a few thousand dollars to spend out by the end of September.  We have recently purchased a new printer that will also print posters up to 11” x 17”, and equipment to do a game-format activity modeled on the TV game show Jeopardy.  We will also be ordering more handouts and incentives.

·         USA applied for a Drug Free Communities Mentoring Program grant to support work with the Building Bridges Coalition in Newark and the new Middletown Community Coalition.  Howard Isenberg is the new President for this Coalition as well as the board for the Cecil County Partnership (MD).

·         USA also applied for a Sober Truth on Prevention (STOP) of Underage Drinking grant to support partnering with New Castle County Police and the New Castle County Community Partnership in implementing the Parents Who Host Lose the Most program, focused on parallel education and enforcement of Delaware’s laws on parents who provide alcohol to minors at parties.

·         USA has also applied for an American Lung Association of Delaware mini-grant for a maximum of $10,000 --due and delivered today.  The recipients of this grant will be announced on October 5th.  It will provide for an alcohol-focused game format activity for youth, parents or mixed groups, as well as supportive literature and posters.

·         Roberta has identified some other sources of mini-grants to bolster USA’s sources of income as well as our credibility; in January, we will start looking for bigger grants. Nancy suggested the “Bringing Theory to Practice” grant

·         A new HIV grant was announced.  There was discussion as to whether this would be outside the boundaries of USA’s mission, which is specific to substance use.  The consensus was that if the approach of the grant or the application was focused on substance use (and alcohol in particular), then it would be sufficiently aligned with USA’s goals; if it were specific to sexual risk behaviors only, it would not.  If USA were awarded another large grant, it would require adding another staff person.  There are grants announced targeting HIV and obesity also.   All of these targets are related in some way, both statistically and in the logical sense of “good habits vs. bad habits,” making physical and emotional (including behavioral) health the ultimate targets. 

·         Another large grant which has recently been announced is the State Incentive Grant (SIG), which will be applied for through the Governor’s office.  Delaware had a SIG in 1998 for several years.  Delaware has applied for the second round of these grants twice and not been successful in getting one. The new round stipulates that 85% of that money has to go out into the communities that are identified as priorities.  The announcement also stipulates that the proposals must address underage drinking, priorities of substance use, priorities of related behaviors, and substance use of returning veterans.  We know that youth and young adult use of alcohol and marijuana are high in Delaware, as well as use of opiates and prescription drugs. We also know that Delaware is 6th in the nation in HIV rates, and 7th in juvenile arrests. 

·         Roberta once again pointed out that she may need to resign as the Project Director so USA can apply for grants that we are currently not eligible for because of Roberta’s involvement as a grant-writer or as an evaluator with several state agencies.  It may also be advisable for USA to separate from the University of Delaware at some point in the future to be eligible for a broader range of funding sources, but then we will need another qualified fiscal agent.

Meeting Places:

            We will meet at the UD Cooperative Extension (Cindy Genau’s office) at 461 Wyoming Rd. Newark DE for the months of September, November, January, March, May and July.

            We will meet at Arcadia University (Linda Brasel’s office) at 111 Continental Dr., Suite 201, Newark DE for the months of October, December, February, April and June.

See attached directions.

Family Day:

            Roberta sent a letter to Governor Minner on July 15th asking for the proclamation for Family Day but we have still not received it.  Mary has called the office twice.  They have since called back and said that they just received the information on September 15th and were working on it.  Family Day is next Monday, September 22nd! We will still send out letters, USA Notes on the topic and a press release, despite the late timing.



Parent Chats:

            In an effort to focus more on specific activities, USA will choose 2 topics for this year’s Parent Chats.  The board chose “Transition to College” for the spring and the “Transition to High School” for late August.  Nancy also suggested as a general topic that Nicole Solomon from her office offers called “Pro-Active Parenting”.  It gives parents message about raising their kids, what they should be doing, and warning signs for them to look for in their children.

Town Hall Meetings:

We would like to participate in the THM meetings again at the end of March.  OPEI may be doing their THM through the community centers, so it will not duplicate effort if USA focuses on the schools; in fact it may increase the overall visibility of the events. USA will apply for a mini-grant to support the efforts in the schools, whether or not there is Federal funding available for this year. 

OPEI Forum:

The OPEI Forum will be in late April, maybe at Dover Downs.  USA would like to collaborate with OPEI in this effort.  Possible workshops might include a train the trainer for schools to train parents in how to chaperone training and how to host a party for teens, how to understand school-related data and use it to set priorities and develop a strategic plan, and also a medical and pharmacist track that will also include invitations to Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. 

Prizes and Incentives:

USA has a vision to have 4 game shows with just kids starting about the end of November.  They will take about 45 minutes (classroom time) in the schools.  Some of the incentives that were suggested as prizes are:

                                    Gas Cards

                                    Best Buy Cards

                                    I-Tunes Cards

                                    WaWa Cards


The next USA meeting will be on OCTOBER 8TH at ARCADIA UNIVERSITY at 3:30 PM.