University/Schools Alliance Executive Meeting
June 10, 2009 @ 1:00 PM at Arcadia University

Attending:    Kathy Ward, YMCA Resource Center
Howard Isenberg, Open Door
Jo-Ann West, Salesianum School Nurse
Yvonne Nass, Parent Education Consultant
Nancy Chase, UD Wellspring

Staff Attending:  Roberta Gealt, Director
                        Mary Perno, Project Coordinator

Grant Discussions:
We are anticipating a site visit sometime this year since we’re already into year 9 of our grant.  There is another new project manager in place for this grant.  Roberta thinks we have had 14 managers so far.  USA has about $3000 left to put toward the Policy Summit meeting in September.  We will be partnering and asking for money from the DDATA group and Kids Count.  We will also ask the University of Delaware to partner with us, as well.  Roberta e-mailed Jack Claypoole about attending, but has not received a response as of yet.  The date that we originally chose was September 15th, but that is the first day of the National Prevention Forum.  We have to hold it in September because we must use the grant money by September 30th.

ALA-Roberta plans to finish printing within the next 2 weeks.

SPF-SIG-Dana Sawyer (OPEI) said that we should definitely hear about this award by the end of June.  This application was written by OPEI, Roberta Gealt and Steve Martin.  The advisory board for this grant, if awarded, will be run by DSAMH.  Roberta will have a part in this as well, plus there will be 4 coalitions working together.  Each coalition will have approximately $350,000 per year for programs.  Since President Obama has taken office, there are all kinds of grants available.

Teen Dating Violence-We won’t know about the award of this grant until September.

Teen Driving-This grant is from NHSTA for $600,000 for 2 years.  There will only be 1 or 2 grants awarded in the United States.  We partnered with Smart Drive (Karen Busby & Pete Booker) in submitting this application.

STOP Act-This grant is for High School age students for $50,000 for 4 years.  There will be 20 of these awarded.

College Alcohol Use-Lisa Shaw (OHS) contacted Roberta about this grant.  She asked if Building Responsibility Coalition was still in effect.  Roberta told her that BRC hasn’t been operational for about 4 years now.  This grant would be to develop or enhance policies statewide.  We would need to work with the other Delaware colleges so we’re all on the same page.  This is a minimum of $150,000 per year.  Roberta checked with OPEI and DSAMH to see if they would support USA if we applied for this.  They both agreed to support USA, but we’re not sure if the University of Delaware will support us.  Nancy seems to think that UD would not oppose it at all.  The YMCA Resource Center has a relationship with Wesley College for under age drinking and marijuana use.  USA is interested in coordinating this project.

Events/Activities Discussions:
Parent Chats-
We have 2 Parent Chats, “Transition to High School” scheduled for the same night, Wednesday, August 19th.  One will be at Tower Hill School at 6:30 PM and the other one will be at Christiana High School (no time yet).  So, that means that we need two sets of speakers now.  Any suggestions?  Nancy suggested Amy Richardson who is an alcohol counselor from her office (Wellspring).  Roberta will contact Janet Ray and ask for suggestions for a school principal to speak at Christiana.  Jo-Ann suggested Beth Mattey from Mt. Pleasant High School and Patrick Dever, a Social Studies teacher from Salesianum.  Mary suggested Dave Jezyk from Delcastle High School.

Physicians/Pharmacists Initiative update-A planning meeting has been scheduled to make plans for this conference.

Policy Summit-Roberta is planning this to be held in September.  After that, ONDCP will come here to Delaware to do training for us.

OPEI Forum-This will take place on Wednesday, October 7th in Dover.

OPEI Youth Summit-This will take place on Saturday, August 8th at the Double Tree Hotel in Wilmington from 10AM-4PM.

Southern New Castle County Coalition-(Howard Isenberg) had a kick off event at the Appoquinimink Teacher’s Training Center.  They invited 98 people and 25 showed up.  Roberta presented the data for the Appo. School District.  They laid out plans for the next steps to be taken.  This event was in the World Café format model.  They are now discussing that faith based groups create a forum.  They are trying to get a table at the Peach Festival.  It was suggested that they hand out book bags and school supplies.  They will ask the churches to ask their parishioners to donate them.

Building Bridges Coalition-Received a block grant from the city of Newark to hold 2 summer events.  They are in the process of choosing a location; the choices are Newark HS, George Wilson Center, Aetna Fire Hall on Route 273 and a church at Elkton Rd & Otts Chapel Road.
BBC submitted the application for the DFC grant and it was immediately denied because their mission statement did not mention anything about substance abuse prevention in it.  This grant was a lot of work and this is the second time that BBC has had a glitch in their submission of this application.



The next USA Executive Meeting will be on


1:00 PM AT





The USA Strategic Planning Meeting is

AUGUST 5TH 8:30 AM-4:00 PM at

Buena Vista Conference Center