VOLUME 26 #1

Current cover


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I was intrigued by your list of countless contributions in the last issue. Here is one more for your consideration: In 1977, there was an already recognized professor by the name of Robert G. Dean who was in the midst of spending part of his long career at UD. (A few years later he moved back to the University of Florida.) Well, in 1977, he researched the existence and theoretical basis for equilibrium beach profiles. He published a report of his findings. Since that time, most coastal engineers have either read the report, referenced its findings or been taught his study. Dr. Dean went on to train and graduate several master’s level students as he extended the theory and its implications.

While I recognize that the field of coastal engineering is quite small, even worldwide, the basis for one of its fundamental theories was derived by a brilliant professor while at UD. Enjoy.

—Douglass Mann, EG85




Eric Ruth’s article, “Man on The Moon,” about Homer “Sonny” Reihm, EG60, and his team of workers at International Latex was excellent. I am interested in how International Latex became involved in the development of the space suit. It was fascinating to read about Sonny Reihm’s team and the development of the convolute. Congratulations to him and his team–they never had a malfunction in a space flight. That sounds like a zero defect to me! A rare achievement indeed.

—Ann Hinderer, EHD69




Kudos on the latest issue of Messenger—packed with great info and stories. A job really well done!

—Seva Raskin, AS89, Communications Chair for the Dallas Alumni Club and former freelance photographer for The Review and Messenger

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