August & September 1994 Newsletter

University of Delaware Figure Skating Club, Inc.
Blue Ice Arena, South College Avenue
Newark, Delaware 19716

Phone: (302) 831-4686

FAX: (302) 831-2812

E-mail address: ud-fsc@udel.edu

Complaint Protocol at University of Delaware

As skaters and parents of skaters we must remember that we are skating at the University of Delaware and that the ice arenas and the training program are part of the University. This requires us to follow the rules and protocol of the University, especially when we expect a response to a complaint or grievance. When you are in disagreement with the ice arena or the training program procedures, policies or decisions then you need to start your process by contacting either Cindy Haley and/or Ron Ludington. If you are not satisfied with their response to your problem, then you can make an appointment and meet with Jack O'Neill, Director of Recreation, extension 2259. If Mr. O'Neill cannot help or satisfy you, then you may make an appointment to meet with Dean Allan Waterfield, extension 2252 In the rare instance that you still have not received an acceptable response or satisfaction, then you are invited to contact the President of the University. At no time should you go to the President without exhausting all other means to resolve your issue or complaint. Lets not forget that the University and its Faculty and Staff are interested in providing good programs, support and facilities which benefit everyone who has chosen to take advantage of what is offered. While doing this we cannot forget that we (whether adult or youth) need to follow the rules of etiquette, and procedures of the University, who is our host.

Sanctions Rule

Skaters and parents of skaters must keep in mind that all carnivals, exhibitions, interviews, appearances, or entertainment of any kind, where a USFSA Registered Skater exhibit talents or technique must be sanctioned. It is ultimately the responsibility of the skater and/or their legal guardian to understand the exceptions to this rule and ensuring that events the skater is involved meets the sanctions rule. This is especially important if there are payments involved such as money, gifts or other certain benefits. Please keep in mind that the USFSA requires a months notice for sanctioning prior to the subject event.


The testing session for November is cancelled due to South Atlantic competition at U.D.

Testing Volunteers

We still need your help in running the test sessions. If we cannot get more help we may have to start holding less test sessions. The same few people who have used their vacation days and just taken time off from work cannot continue to support the same number of test sessions as we have been running. The tentative 1995 schedule for test sessions are: Jan. 17; Feb 15; Mar. 16; Apr. 18; May 17. We need volunteers for these sessions as well as the remaining 1994 sessions. PLEASE HELP.

1994-1995 Membership Registration Change

The USFSA has changed insurance companies this year which has reduced the annual general liability premium. To obtain this reduction the USFSA requires that a basic waiver be signed as part of the registration process. By signing this waiver, the member does not give up their legal rights if negligence is involved. Also the member is not required to list their medical carrier. Barbara Heilman has the new forms available for members. It is very important that we get these new forms filled out, signed and back to the USFSA as soon as possible.

New UDFSC Testing Forms

Effective October 1, 1994 the Club Testing Chairperson has replaced the old test forms with new test application forms. The old forms will not be accepted for the next testing session. You may pick up the new forms in the Blue Arena Office. If you have any questions please contact Charles Robel.
