August 1997 Newsletter

University of Delaware Figure Skating Club, Inc.
Blue Ice Arena
South College Avenue
Newark, Delaware 19716

Phone: (302) 831-4686

FAX: (302) 831-2812

E-mail address: ud-fsc@udel.edu

* Membership Renewals * Signature Nights * Telephone Calls to the Club *
* Test Sessions * Volunteers Needed * Club Ice *


You must renew your Club membership by October 1st in order to avoid interruption of your 'eligible' status for tests and competitions. This includes the Membership Registration Liability Waiver. The completed applications can either be mailed to the address on the application or can be placed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Membership chairperson and deposited in the locked Club mailbox.


All applications for qualifying competitions MUST be signed by a club officer. To prevent the stress of getting those applications signed; two nights plus the day of the September test session have been set aside to sign competition applications. A notary will also be available for club membership renewals and new applications.

The dates are:

Wed., Sep. 3rd 5 pm - 8 pm Rust Arena
(qualifying applications and club renewals)
Mon., Sep. 8th 5 pm - 8 pm Rust Arena
(qualifying applications and club renewals)
Fri., Sep. 12th Length of Test Session Rust Arena
(qualifying applications only)

Any non-qualifying competition or test session at another club does not require the signature of a Club officer as long as you have the permission letter that is included when you receive your new USFSA card. Make a few copies so that you won't be left at the last minute looking for a club officer.

There is a box in the hallway of office area of the Blue Arena marked "TO BE SIGNED BY A CLUB OFFICER". This box is checked daily by several Board members. Your current club membership will be verified and the signed form will be placed in the box marked "PAPERS SIGNED".


The Board members of the Club do welcome telephone calls to the office phone, (302) 831-4686. We do try to return your calls promptly. Please help us to help you.

The answering machine has only 20 seconds of message time. When you call, please leave your name and an evening telephone number as soon as you begin speaking. In that way, if your message is interrupted after the 20 seconds, we will know how to get in touch with you.

Your call will probably be returned in the evening. The Board members are volunteers and work outside of the rink. Most of our employers would rather that we not conduct Club business during our working hours.


Our final test session for the year will be held on Friday, November 28, 1997. The deadline for applications is November 14, 1997. This is a limited test session (from 8am until 12 noon) and applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Volunteers are always needed to assist during Test Sessions. We normally need people to act as runners, make copies, announce and play music. If you are interested in helping, please call Kathy Watts at (302) 366-8210.

A special thank you goes to all parents, coaches and skaters who have helped us during Test Sessions this year. The test sessions could would not have run as smoothly without you.


Volunteers are still needed for 1998 US Nationals to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from January 3, 1998 through January 10, 1998. Applications are available in hallway of the office area of the Blue Arena. If you complete an application, please mark on the application that you are from the University of Delaware Figure Skating Club.


Club ice is available on Sunday evenings. There are 2 sessions:
5:00 - 5:45 pm Dance preferred
5:45 - 6:30 pm Freestyle preferred

Several payment options are available. Fall Club Ice Sessions resume on September 7th.