A curator's talk on the history of the UD Mineralogical Museum collection will be held April 20.

April 20: Mineralogical Museum

Curator to discuss history of UD Mineralogical Museum collection


8:54 a.m., April 9, 2015--The University Museums at the University of Delaware will present a curator’s talk on the history of the Mineralogical Museum collection at 5 p.m., Monday, April 20, at the museum in Penny Hall.

Sharon Fitzgerald, Mineralogical Museum curator, will share information and excerpts from an upcoming publication on the history of UD’s mineral collection.

Events Stories

June 5: Blue Hen 5K

University of Delaware graduates planning to attend Alumni Weekend are encouraged to register for the annual Blue Hen 5K walk and run, which will be held Sunday morning, June 5.

June 6-9: Food and culture series

The 20th annual June Lecture Series at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UD in Wilmington will be held June 6-9. Titled 'June a la Carte,' this year's program focuses on great political documents, feminism, world politics and a Newark cuisine sampler.

The Mineralogical Museum displays approximately 450 specimens with a focus on crystallized minerals, including gem minerals, classics from early European and American localities and specimens from significant recent discoveries.

This discussion is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the University Museums 302-831-8037 or via email at universitymuseums@udel.edu

Article by Craig Stack

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