UD's College of Health Sciences invites CHS undergraduate students or teams of students led by CHS undergraduates to identify important health-related challenges and develop novel solutions to those challenges.

First Step: Ideas for a Healthier World

College seeks innovative student solutions to challenging health issues


12:48 p.m., Sept. 5, 2012--The University of Delaware’s College of Health Sciences invites CHS undergraduate students or teams of students led by CHS undergraduates to identify important health-related challenges and develop novel solutions to those challenges.

Through First Step: Ideas for a Healthier World, students are invited to submit proposals focused on an important aspect of health care or healthy living, develop a potential solution to that problem, and present their solution for review. CHS will provide $500 to each of the top 20 applications.

Campus Stories

From graduates, faculty

As it neared time for the processional to open the University of Delaware Commencement ceremonies, graduating students and faculty members shared their feelings about what the event means to them.

Doctoral hooding

It was a day of triumph, cheers and collective relief as more than 160 students from 21 nations participated in the University of Delaware's Doctoral Hooding Convocation held Friday morning on The Green.

The students will have six months to develop their solutions and then present them at a public symposium in the form of posters. The top three students/teams will give short oral presentations, and cash prizes of $1,500, $1,000 and $500 will be awarded.

Students and teams will be connected with experts to develop a dialogue about the merits of their ideas and how they can pursue and further develop their ideas. 

Examples of projects include but are not limited to biomedical research, medical practice, health advocacy, health policy, health management, health informatics, and community-based research. 

Solutions may take the form of devices or products, business models, organizations, policies, or processes or procedures that offer an improvement to health care or healthy living.

The deadline for applications is Sept. 24. For more information and to complete an application, visit the website.

Article by Diane Kukich

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