Social science researchers invited to virtual Data Fair


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8:01 a.m., Oct. 26, 2010----IT's Research and Data Management Services at the University of Delaware is sponsoring a virtual Social Sciences Data Fair from Nov. 8-11.

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Organized by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan, the fair presents a series of 14 interactive webinars on data resources, data management, and online analysis tools for use in research and courses.

ICPSR has invited representatives and users of several social sciences data organizations to provide in-depth orientations to the data and teaching resources developed by those organizations.

The series may be of particular interest to a broad base of researchers because the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health and other funding agencies now require many grant seekers to provide data-management plans describing how and when data will be shared. Monday's sessions will provide insight on how to think about data security and data management planning.

You must register to watch the webinars in 011 Smith Hall or from your own desktop.

The registration page contains detailed session descriptions for each session. There is no charge to register, and the webinars do not require you to download any software to your computer.

Session themes

  • Monday: Data management plans and managing confidential data. These sessions will be relevant to all researchers because of new requirements from funding agencies (e.g., NSF, NIH, DOD) for data management and sustainability plans.
  • Tuesday: Social science data in North America. Tuesday's sessions focus on unique and interesting data found in North America. Representatives from various organizations describe the data they offer and how to gain access to the data.
  • Wednesday: International Data. Because of a growing interest and demand for data based in and about countries outside North America, Wednesday's sessions provide understanding about what is available, how to most efficiently access international data, and surrounding challenges.
  • Thursday: Social Sciences data in teaching. Thursday's sessions focus on data and data tools and approaches for incorporating social sciences data into the classroom. They include discussions and demonstrations of online tools for data access and statistical analysis.

IT's Research and Data Management Services (RDMS) is UD's representative to the ICPSR. RDMS provides consulting on ICPSR resources and operates a Research Computing Laboratory open to all in 002D Smith Hall

If you have questions, send email to [].
