Institute for Global Studies announces funding opportunities


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9:45 a.m., March 9, 2010----The University of Delaware Institute for Global Studies (IGS) announces the following competitive funding opportunities in international research and education for UD faculty.

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See each proposal announcement online for more details and specific guidelines. Proposals are due by Thursday, April 15. For more information, contact Bahram Rajaee, IGS director of contracts, grants, and partnerships, at 831-4408 or via email at [].

International Research Award Program -- Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the IGS, this program is part of the University-wide America and the Global Community initiative, which is designed to enhance opportunities for faculty and students to better understand the global challenges facing our society.

The IRA program is intended to support international research by UD faculty and to serve as seed funding for substantive research undertakings that will lead to applications for larger, externally funded support. The amount of each award will depend on the project's scope, up to a maximum of $10,000 in IRA funds. It is anticipated that five proposals will be supported annually.

Faculty Fellows Program -- This program, funded by the IGS and the faculty member's department/college, is designed to enhance the international dimensions of teaching, research, and outreach at UD. Interdisciplinary initiatives are strongly encouraged. Proposals must demonstrate impact on UD's international profile.

Examples of past supported efforts range from organizing a national or international conference or workshop on an international topic, to developing and teaching a new interdisciplinary course in international or area studies, and developing a major grant proposal, new certificate program, or study-abroad program in an underrepresented region.

Fellows are expected to spend a portion of their time in the IGS on a weekly basis and participate in IGS sponsored events and seminars, among other activities.

Global Partnership Grants -- In the spirit of The Global Initiative in the University's Path to Prominence, the Office of the Deputy Provost and the IGS request proposals which promote, encourage, and support the development of initiatives that expand and strengthen UD's strategic partnerships around the world. Partnerships with institutions of higher education in China, India, South Korea, and in Latin America/the Caribbean are of particular interest, although other regions also will be considered.

It is envisioned that activities stimulated by these seed funds will create revenue streams that enable the program to be self-sustaining. Preference will be given to proposals with universities that UD already has identified as partners, and activities in the following categories: Global Studies; Signature Academic Programs; and Joint Research Programs.
