Ann Draper named HR Liaison of the Quarter
Ann Draper


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1:10 p.m., Jan. 21, 2010----Ann Draper, associate director of the University of Delaware's Early Learning Center (ELC) and the Laboratory Preschool (LPS), has been named UD's Human Resources Liaison of the Quarter for her work during the final quarter of 2009.

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Designed to give recognition to “outstanding performers,” recipients of this award not only excel in their duties but continually foster growth within the HR community. Draper handles all of the HR needs for the ELC's two locations in Newark and Wilmington. Elsewhere, she acts as an HR liaison for a unit of salaried and miscellaneous wage workers.

Patsy Howaniec, the manager of the dean's office in the College of Education and Public Policy, nominated Draper for the award. “Ann's technical proficiency, extensive knowledge, superior work ethic, dedication and reliability make her an invaluable asset to the ELC, the LPS and the college,” she said.

Howaniec added that Draper “really has the exposure to just about every HR function out there and performs it superbly. She is one of the college's most valuable employees.”

Draper said she is “honored to be nominated by other staff members for this award,” and emphasizes the impact that the ELC has had on the community.

“I feel very lucky to have been here to watch the ELC grow and expand into Wilmington and to witness the wonderful work done on behalf of the children in our community,” she said, adding that “it has truly been [her] pleasure to be a part of this project.”

Draper, who has been at the ELC since it was established in 2004 and served as its associate director since 2007, said she especially loves the daily interactions with children and their families that working at the ELC affords her.

At the ELC, where she is responsible for around 300 young children, Draper notes that her “work life has been immeasurably enriched by the opportunity to do good work.”

Prior to her work at the ELC, Draper served as assistant to the chairperson and acted as HR liaison in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. In addition, she has worked for the Morris Library and the dean's office in the College of Arts and Sciences. In all, she has worked at UD for 25 years.

Article by Shannon Robbins
Photo by Ambre Alexander
