Conference center in Jastak-Burgess Hall dedicated to John Rollins
Michele Rollins and Patrick Harker at the dedication of the John Rollins Conference Center in Jastak-Burgess Hall
The John Rollins Conference Center
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6:58 p.m., April 27, 2009----The late business executive John W. Rollins Sr. was honored on Saturday, April 25, with the dedication of the Rollins Conference Center in Jastak-Burgess Hall.

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UD President Patrick Harker and Mr. Rollins' wife, Michele Rollins, spoke at the dedication ceremony.

“I want to thank you all for coming out to help us officially dedicate the beautiful John Rollins Conference Center,” Harker said to a sizable crowd gathered on the lawn in front of Jastak-Burgess Hall.

“We are indebted to Michele Rollins and her family. Everyone who visits this space should know why this room stands for this man and what this man stood for,” he said.

Speaking of her late husband, Rollins said, “Ladies and gentleman, we all know John Rollins and his integrity, his commitment to business, his ability to take a nickel and make it into a fortune. It's really exciting to have his board room re-created because, for all of us in the family, it's just a reminder of a setting and a wonderful moment in our time when we were exposed to the very best. So, for us to transfer that very best to UD, where our hearts are, is truly a pleasure. I couldn't be more excited.”

The Rollins Conference Center is located at the south end of Jastak-Burgess Hall and contains a large conference table and chairs used by Mr. Rollins, who died in 2000.

Article by Adam Thomas
Photos by Kathy F. Atkinson
