Town and Gown Committee Responsibilities

AUTHORITY: Newark City Code, Chapter 2, Administration, Article XIV, Section 2-165 to 2-167.(Amended 8/8/05)

MEMBERSHIP: Mayor and 18 members, one member each from the following organizations:

  • A representative from the University of Delaware Board of Trustees.
  • A representative from the University of Delaware’s Administration.
  • Two representatives from the University of Delaware’s Division of Student Life.
  • A representative from the University of Delaware Faculty.
  • A representative from the University of Delaware’s Public Safety.
  • A representative from the University of Delaware’s Student Government.
  • A representative from the University of Delaware’s Interfraternity or Panhellenic  Councils.
  • A representative from the University of Delaware student who rents housing off campus but who resides in the city.
  • A University of Delaware graduate student who resides in the city.
  • A representative from the City Manager’s Office.
  • A representative from the Newark Police Department.
  • Two Newark residents owning and occupying homes in the city.
  • An owner of rental property in the city.
  • A businessperson affiliated with the Downtown Newark Partnership & who is
  •  conducting business in the Central Business District.
  • A representative of a Newark Community organization.
  • An individual not enrolled at the University of Delaware & who resides in a rental
  • property in the city.
  • A chairperson selected by the membership and shall preside over all meetings.

APPOINTMENT: By Mayor with consent of Council; appointments to be made the first Council meeting in August.

TERM: Three years, at which time City Council shall review the activities of the committee in terms of the purpose and duties established to ascertain whether the committee should continue for an additional three years.  If Council renews the committee, a subsequent review of the committee's activities shall occur three years following the reestablishment of the committee, and every three years thereafter.

PAY: None.




FUNCTIONS: To advise Council on matters concerning the relationship between the City of Newark and the University of Delaware.  In carrying out its duties, the committee will consider and promote the following:

Efforts to facilitate communication and productive dialog among residents, students, landlords, city government officials, University administration, business owners, community organizations and all other interested parties.  Efforts focused on the development and implementation of programs and policies to address community concerns, particularly initiatives and programs which would strengthen interaction and respect among student residents and non-student residents sharing local neighborhoods; and other programs, projects and tasks consistent with the purpose of the committee.  The committee is authorized, on an adhoc basis, to enlist the aid of those interested stakeholders who are not formal members of the committee for the purpose of seeking additional input, opinion, and assistance in carryout out its duties. Programs and policies to limit the impact of off-campus student housing on non-student residents; Programs and policies to improve the relations between City residents and the University community; Other projects and tasks consistent with the purpose of the committee.

MEETINGS: Shall hold meetings a minimum of four times a year; if necessary, the committee may schedule additional meetings.