Global Heritage

What reminds you of home? Perhaps a favorite photograph, a child's artwork, a miniature pair of ruby slippers like Dorothy's in the Wizard of Oz. Each conveys a powerful message.

University of Delaware researchers are helping to preserve the treasures of our heritage, those things we value and pass down to the next generation of the world family. In the pages ahead, we meet an archaeologist working to unearth an ancient port city in Egypt, a linguist on a quest to save a dying language in Uganda, and conservators helping partners around the globe to preserve prized heirlooms and artwork.


Irreplaceable You


Faculty and graduate students of the Winterthur/ University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation have helped to preserve these priceless treasures and more. . . .


Declaration of Independence

U.S. Constitution

Emancipation Proclamation

Star-Spangled Banner

Treaty of Paris

Dead Sea Scrolls

Painting Restoration

Paintings by "Old Masters" to contemporary artists, from Rembrandt to Van Gogh and Wyeth

Neil Armstrong's spacesuit

Babe Ruth's baseball contract

R2D2 from Star Wars

World's first photograph

Elvis Presley's 81 gold records

1905 Wright Flyer III

Ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz

Architectural interiors of Mount Vernon and the Forbidden City