Samuel L. Gaertner

Ph.D., The City University of New York: Graduate Center, 1970

Department of Psychology
Phone: Office (302) 831-2268: Lab 831-4581: Fax (302) 831-3645

Office: Room 224F Wolf Hall

Research Interests

Dr. Gaertner's research is concerned with intergroup relations, and in particular how intergroup bias and conflict can be reduced. His current laboratory and field work explores the possibility that inducing the members of two groups to conceive of themselves as a single, more inclusive social entity will harness cognitive and motivational processes that encourage more harmonious intergroup relations. He is currently examining this perspective in intergroup contexts such as corporate mergers, blended families, and desegregated schools. Dr. Gaertner is also studying racism among "Well-intentioned" people to reveal how their racial attitudes are expressed in subtle, indirect and rationalizable ways. This work won the Gordon Allport intergroup relations prize and his current research is attempting to learn if such subtle forms of racism can be eliminated by inducing an enhanced sense of partnership or common ingroup identity during interracial interactions.

For more information see the Intergroup Relations Lab Homepage.

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