Your Webmeister is
Mark Greene

Requirements for the Medical Humanities Minor


For general Minor requirements search for 'medical humanities' in the current UD Catalog.


The Capstone requirement requires a little explanation - here is some info on the substance and logistics of the capstone...


Capstone Essay: General idea

The idea is to give you a chance to reflect on your overall experience of the minor. Beyond that, what you choose to write on is very much up to you. For example, you might focus on something that stuck with you from one particular course, or a theme that has struck you over the various courses you have taken in the minor, or you might reflect on how you expect medical humanities to inform you in your career going forward. The opportunity to talk with you and read about what you have done in the minor also helps me to find out what is happening in classes that I don't teach myself. This should not be an onerous requirement. The general expectation is that you will meet with the MHM advisor to discuss the project, you will submit a first version of the capstone essay in plenty of time to talk about it with the advisor and complete any needed revisions before the end of the semester.


Capstone: Examples

See the Reflections page.


Capstone: Logistics

You do the capstone as a one credit independent study. When the time comes, you do this by:

  1. Enroll in PHIL366-000 either before the semester begins or during free drop add. You do this by emailing the minor advisor who will sign you up for a one credit, pass/fail independent study. Do this near the beginning of the semester: the class won't fill up, so just make sure to do it before the end of free drop/add.
  2. Once you are registered, go to...
    ...and complete the webform - routing it to the minor advisor.
    Do not select discovery learning or honors or anything like that.
    Here's an example of roughly what the webform should look like - you can just cut and paste the language from the example as needed.
  3. Contact the advisor early in the semester to organize meeting times and to get your capstone project underway.

General information


Due to the limited range of regular classes in the minor, timetabling can be an issue for some people. You can increase your options by looking for classes that might make sutiable 3 credit substitutions for listed classes. Basically, sutiable substitutions will have a significant portion (at least more than half) of the class content devoted to medical related issues from the perspective of some humanities discipline.

See 'Substitutions' page for more info.


Plan ahead. If you have an opportunity to complete a requirement it makes sense to take it - you don't want to get caught in your last semester with a class you need not being offered or filling up before you can enroll.

Checkout issues

Occasional issues arise (e.g. with missing substitutions) at senior checkout. In general, the problem is easily fixed by having me re-send the substitution form. For other issues, contact the Registrar’s office and have them email the the faculty advisor if they need anything confirmed.