• Scantlebury, K. (October, 2010). Feminism, globalization and science education: Issues impacting English Language Learners in urban school.Center for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Scantlebury, K. (April, 2010). Foregrounding students' voices: Cogenerative dialogues as feminist pedagogy|research tool in science education. Center for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Scantlebury, K. (April, 2010). Revisiting the “snake in the nest”: Gender issues in science. Center for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Scantlebury, K. (March, 2010). Socio-cultural perspectives on science education research. Department of Physics-Physics Education, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Kahle, J.B. Scantlebury, K. & Li, Y. (June, 2009). Outcomes of PennSTI evaluation. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (July, 2008). Future directions for PER. Panel discussant,Physics Education Research Conference (PERC), Edmonton, Canada.
  • Scantlebury, K. (July, 2008). Impact of chemistry teachers’ knowledge and practices on student achievement. Physics Education Research Conference (PERC), Edmonton, Canada.
  • Scantlebury, K. (June, 2008). Outcomes of PennSTI evaluation. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (March, 2008). How does she know? Re-visioning conceptual change from feminist perspectives. Second Springer Forum, Cultural Studies and Conceptions / Conceptual Change: Reuniting Psychological and Sociological Perspectives, CUNY, New York.
  • Scantlebury, K. (January, 2008). The implications of research and evaluation on science teachers’ professional development. Miami University, Oxford, OH.
  • Scantlebury, K. (November, 2007). Outcomes of CASPiE evaluation. Invited presentation, NSF site visit, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
  • Martin, S., Scantlebury, K. & Carambo, C. (November, 2007). Cogenerative dialogues as a classroom management strategy. Invited presentation Alternative Route to Certification program, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Gilmer, P. Bechler, D. & Jones, L. (2007). Science educators in science content departments. Invited symposium participant at Southeastern Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, Valdosta, GA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (September, 2007). Qualitative research techniques and software, Invited talk, E & A Center, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
  • Scantlebury, K (August, 2007). Listening to girls: Using cogenerative dialogues to connect girls to science. Keynote Address Opportunities for Wisconsin Women in Science, Technology and Engineering. University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh WI.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Gleason, S. (March, 2007). Stepping up, stepping back and moving aside: Coteaching experiences with preservice science teachers in methods and student teaching. Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2006, September). 4 Co’s: Coteaching|Coresponsibility|Coplanning|Coresponsibility Invited Talk, College of St. Catherine’s, St Paul, MN.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2006, June). Foregrounding girls’ learning: using cogenerative dialogues to include Urban African American girls in science. Invited Paper Urban Educators Forum: Leadership for Equity: Creating Opportunities for Excellence, New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2006, June). Using cogenerative dialogues to bring girls into science. Invited Paper. Why the difference? Conference, St Paul, MN.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2006, March). Telling the story: Analyzing data for patterns and contradictions in education research. Invited Paper in symposium: Common key elements of successful grant writing and chemical education Research for the 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2005, November). Girl Talk: Engaging girls in science through cogenerative dialogues. Queens College Equity Conference, New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2005, July). Assessing standards-based teaching practices in science classrooms.Presented at University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemistry as part of PennSTI Administrator’s Science Education Academy, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2005, June).  Victories and Struggles: lives of academic women in the chemical sciences.  Gordon Research Conference for Chemistry Education Research, New London, CT.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2005, February).  Preparing secondary school science teachers through coteaching. Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2005, February).  Smoke and mirrors: Coteaching as a model for student teaching. St Mary’s College, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2004, October).  Claiming an MCE/Penn education. MCE Graduation, Address, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Juck, M. (2004, September).  Sharing the teaching space: Coteaching in the University of Delaware’s Secondary Science Education Program, University Council on Teacher Education, The University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2004, May). Future directions for research on gender issues in Science, Mathematics, Engineering & Technology. Presented at Nurturing the next generation research on gender and science and engineering. Henry-Clare Luce Booth Foundation, New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2004, March). Ms. EB Marvelous &  Ol' Head: Adapting high school chemistry to  urban African American girls' capital. Presented at The New York University, New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2004, March). Meeting the needs and adapting to the capital of a Queen Mother and an Ol' Head: Gender equity in urban high school science. Presented at The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2004, March). COACH: Women’s perspectives on women chemists. Presented at The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2004, February). Meeting the needs and adapting to the capital of a Queen Mother and an Ol' Head: Gender equity in urban high school science. Presented at The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2004, January). Instructional strategies to improve the teaching and learning in science. Presented at Camden County Technical Schools, Gloucester, NJ.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2003, November). Challenges and contradictions: Teaching and learning chemistry in urban high schools. Invited Colloquium, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Delaware. Newark, DE.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2003, August). Using videoanalysis to explore connections between the micro and meso levels in high school science classrooms. Presented at Discovery Center and the Evaluation and Assessment Center, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2003, April). Is scientific research in education an oxymoron or a paradox? Presented at Science Teaching and Learning SIG,American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2003, February). Queen Mother of Da Bridge and Othermother:  Building scientific literacy from the lifeworlds of  urban African-American girls. Presented at  Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2002, December). Grace under fire: Women chemists’ perseverance in and dedication to chemistry Talk presented at Division of Chemistry, NSF, Arlington, VA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2002, November). “Seeing” Gender: Privileging African-American girls’ experiences in urban science classes.Presented at University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of education (GSE), Science Education, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2002, September). Cross-cutting issues influencing the achievement gap in science. Key note talk presented at Ohio’s Narrowing Achievement Gaps Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Scantlebury, K (2002, August). Examining chemistry education from a feminist stance.Presented at University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2002, March). What can [they] know? Equity and assessing student science learning.  Pathways to change: An international conference on transforming math and science education in the K16 Continuum, NSF, Arlington, VA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2002, March). Perspectives on equity in urban science education: What can feminism & postcolonialism offer? Presented at University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of education (GSE), Science Education, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2001, October). Including issues of gender and culture into preservice science teacher education.   Presented at Culture, Language and Gender-Sensitive Science Education Project (CLAG) Highash-Hiroshmia University Highash-Hiroshmia, Japan.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2001, June). Teacher certification-A national overview.  Presented at American Chemical Society, Committee on Professional Training Invitational Workshop, Chicago, IL.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2001, May). Overcoming the “Chemical” Barriers for Women in Academe. Presented at American Chemical Society, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, Towson, MD.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2000, September). Centers for Learning and Teaching: An ESIE Program on Research issues on Science Teacher Professional Development, Building SMET Infrastructure and Capacity.   Presented at CLAG (Culture, Language and Gender-Sensitive Science Education Project) Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2000, September). Research issues related to gender, culture, and science teacher education. Presented at CLAG (Culture, Language and Gender-Sensitive Science Education Project) Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2000, September). Gender, culture and preservice science teacher education. Presented at CLAG (Culture, Language and Gender-Sensitive Science Education Project) Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2000, March). Equity Issues in & Directions for Science Teacher Education. Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education Division, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2000, March). Women’s Studies, Gender Studies & Feminist Science Studies: Common Goals, Directions and Issues in the New Millennium. Key Note Talk at Primavera Conference Texas A & M International, Laredo, TX.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1998, December). Feminist pedagogy in the sciences: Conundrum, oxymoron or paradox? Presentation in Women’s Studies seminar series at Miami University, Oxford, OH.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Ague, J. (1998, June). What is good science teaching? Perspectives from the field. Principals’ Professional Development Institute: New Leadership for New Pedagogy, Mayerson Academy, Cincinnati, OH.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1997, July). What’s news in science education? American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, Eleanor Roosevelt Teacher Institute, Washington DC.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1997, June). Gender and cultural equity in the science classroom. Pinellas County School District, Largo, FL.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1997, May). A snake in the nest or in a snake’s nest? Practicing feminist pedagogy in science and engineering. Invited Speaker, Montana State University, Women in Science and Engineering Program, Bozeman, MT.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1997, May). Can we change the undertow? Chemists, preservice teacher education and the National Science Education Standards. Invited Speaker, Montana State University, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Bozeman, MT.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1997, March). Implementing and supporting gender-sensitive science teaching. Invited Panel participant. American Association of University Women Conference, Girls succeeding in science, math, and technology: Who works and what works, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1997, January). Gender power: A theoretical framework to understand the influence of science teachers’ gender identities on teaching. Invited paper, International Conference on Science, Mathematics & Technology Education: Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1996, August). Gender Power: understanding science teachers’ perceptions of gender and teaching. Invited Seminar. Research Seminar & Workshop Series, Science and Mathematics Education Center, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1996, April). Beginning the cycle of equitable teaching: The pivotal role of cooperating teachers. College of Education, Penn State University, State College, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1995, November). Gender issues in science education, fact, fiction or heresy, Department of Geography, University of Delaware, DE.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1995, April). Instituting “Re-Visionary” acts in preservice science teacher education programs. Keynote Address for the Gender Equity Awareness in Mathematics and Science Classrooms Conference, Colleges of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Education, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1994, September). Emphasizing gender issues in the undergraduate preparation of science teachers: Practicing what we preach. Seminar Series, Department of Chemistry, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1994, August). Feminist approaches to teaching math, science and technology. Workshop Seminar, Teacher Education Equity Project, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1994, June). Emphasizing gender issues in the undergraduate preparation of science teachers: Practicing what we preach. Science, technology and gender: An International Symposium at the National Women’s Studies Association National Conference, Ames, IA.
  • Baker, D., & Scantlebury, K. (1993, April). Feminist research approaches to teaching math, science and technology. Workshop Seminar, National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Kahle, J. B., & Scantlebury, K. (1992, May). Accessing women into chemistry: Intervention programs for teachers. 24th Central Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, Cincinnati, OH.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1992, June). Invited Visitor, Center for Education of Women, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1992, October). Identifying an Equitable Science Classroom. Research Bureau Seminar Series, College of Education, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1991, August). Defining an equitable science classroom. Science and Mathematics Education Center, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1989, July). Building intervention programs that work. North Dakota Summer Conference on Equity, Grafton, ND.
  • Scantlebury, K. (1986, November). Gender issues in science education. Research Seminar & Workshop Series, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia.


  • Scantlebury, K., Madsen, J., Watson, G. & Kahle, J. B. (2010). Those who can teach: Reflections from GK12 Fellows. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
  • Milne, C. & Scantlebury, K. (2010). Valuing the disturbances of learning to teach science: How coteaching helps. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
  • Wassell, B., Scantlebury, K., & Gallo-Fox, J. (2010). Coplanning meetings: Important sites for shaping teacher practice and development. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
  • Li, Y., Kahle, J.B., Scantlebury, K. & Woodruff, S.  (2010). Improving students’ science achievement through long-term teacher professional development. Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Milne, C. & Scantlebury, K. (2010). The role of coteaching in valuing and using the disturbances of learning to teach science. Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Madsen, J., Watson, G. & Kahle, J. B. (2010). Impact of GK12 Fellows on teachers’ pedagogical practices and students’ science attitudes. Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Weaver, G. Wink, D. Scantlebury, K., Woodruff, S. Li, Y., & Woodruff, S. (2010).  Improving chemical education through undergraduate research and new teaching methods. Paper presented at 239th American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Madsen, J., Watson, G. & Quillen, A. (2010). Delaware's NSF GK–12 Project: Integrating Science Research into Vo-Tech High Schools. Paper presented at National Science Teachers’ Association, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Melvin, K. (2010). Project SMART: A partnership for recruiting science and math teachers. Paper presented at National Science Teachers’ Association, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Dunn, T. & Scantlebury, K. (2010). Preservice science teacher educators using coteaching as as part of a PDS. Paper presented at National Science Teachers Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Madsen, J., Watson, G. & Kahle, J. B. (2010). Those who can teach: Reflections from GK12 Fellows. Paper presented at Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA.
  • Milne, C. & Scantlebury, K. (2010). The disturbances of learning to teach science: how coteaching helps. Paper presented at Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA.
  • Quillen, A. Scantlebury, K., Gross, B. & Kittel, M. (2009). Developing a successful GK-12 program - creating a learning environment in which graduate fellows, high school teachers and high school students thrive. Paper presented at National Association of Biology Teachers Annual Meeting Denver, CO.
  • Kahle, J.B., Scantlebury, K. & Li, Y. (September, 2009). Professional development programs in science that sustain changes in teacher practice? Paper presented at European Science Education Research (ESERA) Annual Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Scantlebury, K. (2009). Eyes on the prize: Urban African-American girls’ participation in high school science. Paper presented in ESERA symposium Social difference as a resource for producing success in science in culturally diverse fields at European Science Education Research (ESERA) Annual Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Scantlebury, K. Woodruff, S., Li, Y. & Blasie, C. (September, 2009). Reducing achievement differences: impact of chemistry teachers’ pedagogical practices and knowledge on student achievement. Paper presented at 238th American Chemical Society Meeting, Washington, DC.
  • Kahle, J.B., Scantlebury, K. & Li, Y. (April, 2009). Sustaining change:  Are booster shots needed? Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Garden Grove, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Martin, S. (April, 2009). How does she know? Re-visioning conceptual change from feminist perspectives. Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Garden Grove, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Gallo-Fox, J & Wassell, B. (April, 2009). Reflecting on practice: Using coplanning for teacher development. Paper presented at National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Garden Grove, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Siry, C. (March, 2009). Inspiring inservice teachers and mentoring beginning teachers and through coteaching. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Kahle, J. B. Woodruff, S., Li, Y. & Scantlebury, K.(January, 2009). Challenges and opportunities in evaluating two MSP projects. Paper presented at the National Science Foundation, Math-Science Partnership Conference, Washington, DC.
  • Scantlebury, K., Kahle, J. B. & Li, Y.(January, 2009). Does sustained science content based professional development make a difference to students’ science achievement?  Paper presented at the National Science Foundation, Math-Science Partnership Conference, Washington, DC.
  • Scantlebury, K. (January, 2009). Responding to the storm: professional development programs focused on improving teachers’ content knowledge and inquiry practices. Symposium presented at Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, Hartford, CT.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Kahle, J. B. (November 2008). Factors impacting high school teachers’ and students’ chemistry achievement. Paper presented at School Science and Mathematics Association, Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
  • Kahle, J. B., Yue, L., & Scantlebury, K. (July 2008). Issues and opportunities in evaluating large scale, multiple site projects. Paper presented at the 20th Biennial Conference in Chemistry Education, Bloomington, Indiana, IN.
  • Weaver, G. Wink, D. Russell, C. & Scantlebury, K. July 2008). Center for Authentic Science Practice in Education (CASPiE). Paper presented at 20th Biennial Conference in Chemistry Education, Bloomington, Indiana, IN.
  • Weaver, G. Wink, D. & Scantlebury, K. (April, 2008). Findings from student data about impacts of the CASPiE model. Paper presented at the 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Gleason, S., Smithers, S. Rennie, N. & Scantlebury, K. (March, 2008). Restructuring science teachers' professional development through coteaching. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), National Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • Scantlebury, K. Green, K. & Dunn, T. (March, 2008). Preservice science teacher education in a professional development school (PDS) using coteaching. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), National Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Gallo-Fox, J. (March, 2008). Coteaching as professional development for cooperating teachers Paper presented to National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
  • Watson, G. Allen, D., Scantlebury, K., Madsen, J., & Quillen, A.  (February, 2008). Delaware GK-12: A partnership for improving science education in votech high schools. Poster presented at AAAS, Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Gallo-Fox, J. (January, 2008). Coteaching in a secondary science professional development school. Paper presented at Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, St Louis, MI.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Gallo-Fox, J. (2007). Teacher Talk: Coplanning sessions between science student and cooperating teachers during student teaching.Paper submitted for American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K. Kahle, J.B. & Li, Y. (2007). Theinfluence of sustained content based professional development on students’ science achievement. Paper submitted for American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Gallo-Fox, J. (2007). Coteaching in a secondary science professional development school. Paper submitted for Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, St Louis, MI.
  • Scantlebury, K.  (2007). Using cogenerative dialogues to develop urban African American girls’ hybrid science identities.Paper presented to Australasian Science Education Research Meeting, Perth, Western Australia, July 11-14, 2007.
  • Scantlebury, K.  (April, 2007). Re-visioning science education from feminist perspectives:
    Challenges, choices and careers.
    Symposium presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Wassell, B., Gallo-Fox, J. & Scantlebury. K. (February, 2007) Coteaching:  Rethinking high school science teacher preparation. Paper presented at American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K. (February, 2007). Foregrounding girls’ learning: Using cogenerative dialogues to include African-American girls in science. Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, New York, NY.
  • Martin, S. & Scantlebury, K. (January, 2007). More than a conversation: Using cogenerative dialogues in the professional development of high school chemistry teachers. Paper presented at the Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, Clearwater, FL.
  • Madsen, J., Watson, G. Allen, D., Scantlebury, K. & Quillen, A.  (October, 2006). Delaware GK-12: Improvement of science education in vocational technical high schools through collaborative learning and coteaching, Paper presented at Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Milne, C., Scantlebury, K. & Otieno, T, (April, 2006). Using sociocultural theory to understand and explain the relationship between a science-based professional education program and teacher change. Poster presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Juck, M. & Scantlebury, K. (April, 2006).   “Oh, you’re the newbie”: The influence of coteaching on first year science teachers’ agency. Paper presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • LaVan, S.K & Scantlebury, K. (April, 2006). Listening to girls: using cogenerative dialogues to connect African- American girls with science. Paper presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Beers, J., LaVan, S.K & Scantlebury, K. (April, 2006). What kind of girl does science? Shifting perceptions about science and transforming student identities as learners. Poster presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Juck, M. & Scantlebury, K. (April, 2006). Gaining respect & building rapport: The impact of coteaching on first year science teachers’ agency. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Gallo-Fox, J., & Scantlebury, K. (April, 2006). Coteaching: A professional development model for cooperating teachers Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (March, 2006). "Telling the story: Analyzing data for patterns and contradictions in education research". Paper presented for the 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Martin, S. (March, 2006). Implementing cogenerative dialogues in teaching chemistry teachers. Paper presented at the 231st ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Gleason, S. (February, 2006). Coteaching as a structure to educate preservice science teachers in theory, praxis and practice. Paper presented at 27th Annual Urban Ethnography in Education Research Forum, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Milne, C. Scantlebury, K., Blonstein, J. & Gleason, S. (January, 2006). Yours, mine and ours: Modeling professional collaboration by coteaching in teacher education. Paper presented at the Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
  • Milne, C. Elemsky, R., LaVan, S-K., Martin, S. Scantlebury, K. Gilmer, P, & Tobin, K. (January, 2006). Coteaching and Cogenerative Dialogues: Dynamic pathways for innovative research and teaching strategies in science teacher education. Workshop presented at the Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
  • Scantlebury, K. (March, 2005). Gender perspectives on coteaching. Paper presented to the European Science Education Research Association Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Scantlebury, K. Gallo-Fox, J. Wassell, B., & Juck, M. (April, 2005). Learning to teach: Coteaching both|and solo teaching.Paper presented to the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
  • Wassell, B., Scantlebury, K. Gallo-Fox, J. & Juck, M. (April, 2005). Structure and agency in the coteaching model for student teaching: Utilizing resources and building community.Paper presented to the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
  • Gallo-Fox, J., Wassell, B., Scantlebury, K. & Gleason, S. (April, 2005). Coteaching:   A professional development model of co-respect, co-planning, co-responsibility and cogenerative dialogues for interns and cooperating teachers. Paper presented to the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
  • Scantlebury, K. (March, 2005). Gender Considered: The feminist perspective on coteaching. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Dallas, TX.
  • Scantlebury, K. Gallo-Fox, J. Wassell, B., & Juck, M. (March, 2005). Swings and Roundabouts: Coteaching both|and Solo teaching. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Dallas, TX.
  • Scantlebury, K. Gleason, S. Juck, M. & Rifenburg, S. (March, 2005). Innovative Practices in Student Teaching: Coteaching. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
  • Scantlebury, K. Gleason, S. & Rifenburg, S. (March, 2005). Coteaching, coplanning, coresponsibility, corespect: 4 Key tenants to improving high school science teaching.  Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
  • Scantlebury, K. Gallo-Fox, J. Wassell, B. Juck, M. & Gleason, S. (January, 2005). Making connections & stepping on toes: Interns gain ‘science teaching capital” through coteaching and solo teaching experiences. Paper presented at the Association for Educators of Teachers of Science (AETS), Colorado Springs, CO.
  • Scantlebury, K. Gleason, S. & Freeley, C. (April, 2004). Using co-teaching to improve the teaching of preservice and inservice high school science teachers. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), National Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Fassinger, R.  & Richmond, G. (April, 2004). There is no crying in chemistry: The lives of female academic chemists. Paper presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Scantlebury, K., Fassinger, R.  & Richmond, G. (April, 2004). Grace under fire: The lives of female academic chemists. Paper presented for American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Milne C. E, Otieno, T.  & Scantlebury, K. (April, 2004). Framing urban high school teachers' professional development: modeling a disposition to inquiry?Paper presented for American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Martin, S. ,Milne C. E., & Scantlebury, K.,(April, 2004). Eyerollers, Jokers, Risk-takers and Turn Sharks: The emergence of target students and the formation of cliques in graduate chemistry courses for teachers.Paper presented for American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Milne C. E, Otieno, T.  & Scantlebury, K. (January, 2004).Framing urban high school teachers' professional development: modeling a disposition to inquiry? Paper presented at the Association for Educators of Teachers of Science, Nashville, TN.
  • Scantlebury, K., Gleason, S. Gallo-Fox, J. & Rulon, M. (January, 2004).Tag team wrestling of whose line is it anyway?  Coteaching in a secondary science education program. Paper presented as part of interactive symposium Tobin, K. Scantlebury, K., Roth, M, Lavan, S-K, Martin, S. & Wassell, B. Learning to teach science using coteaching and cogenerative dialogues. Association for Educators of Teachers of Science, Nashville, TN.
  • Scantlebury, K., Tobin, K.& Milne, C. (September, 2003).Target students: Catalysts or inhibitors to the teaching and learning of chemistry in a masters of chemistry education program. Paper presented at 226th ACS National Meeting New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K,  Fasinger, R.  & Richmond, G. (September, 2003).COACh: Catalyzing the career achievements of female academic chemists & chemical engineers through mentoring and leadership programs Paper presented at 226th ACS National Meeting New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K,  Fasinger, R.  & Richmond, G. (September, 2003).Grace under fire: Women chemists’ perseverance in and dedication to chemistry. Paper presented at 226th ACS National Meeting New York, NY.
  • Scantlebury, K & Tobin, K. (April 2003). Target Students: Catalysts or inhibitors to the teaching and learning of chemistry in a masters of chemistry education program. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Scantlebury, K & Tobin, K. (April 2003). Just another day: The impact of urban African-American girls' lifeworlds on their struggles and survival in high school science. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Giambetti, C. & Scantlebury, K. (March, 2003). Gangsta’, gentlemen and good girls: science students build capital. Paper presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. Baker, D., Sugi, A., Atsushi, Y. (March, 2003). The cultural context of gender research in Japanese Science Education: Why university students “don’t understand the question”. Paper presented at National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. Gleason, S. & McWatters, W. (March, 2003). Camera! Action! Cut! Using technology to improve secondary science teaching. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Otieno, T. (February, 2003).  Note-takers and Risk-takers: Gender roles in a masters of chemistry education program. Paper presented at 24th Annual Urban Ethnography in Education Research Forum, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Hazelwood, L. Giombetti, C. & Scantlebury, K. (February, 2003). Identities of African American females in the
    urban science classroom: Agency and structure.
    Paper presented at 24th Annual Urban Ethnography, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Milne C. E , Scantlebury, K. Otieno, T.  Tobin, K.  & Martin, S. (January, 2003). Developing and implementing chemistry education courses for practicing teachers Paper presented at the Association for Educators of Teachers of Science, St Louis, MI.
  • Scantlebury, K(January, 2003). Queen mother,  flyy girl and ‘ho: The influence of African American girls’ culture of femininity on learning high school science. Paper presented at the Association for Educators of Teachers of Science, St Louis, MI.
  • Milne C. E , Scantlebury, K. & Otieno, T. (August, 2002). Paperclips + polymers = problems: The role of laboratory activities in high school chemistry.Paper presented at 224th ACS National Meeting Boston, MA.
  • Milne C. E, Scantlebury, K. & Otieno, T. (August, 2002). The researched and the researchers: Framing urban high school teachers professional development from liberatory education perspective. Paper presented at 224th ACS National Meeting Boston, MA.
  • Scantlebury, K & Fasinger, R. (August, 2002).  COACh: Lowering the activation energy for female academic chemists Paper presented at 224th ACS National Meeting Boston, MA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Baker, D. (April, 2002). The 3 K’s: Kitanai, Kitui, and Kiken:Japanese science education from a feminist stance. Paper presented at Gender and Science Education (GASE) Colloquium, New Orleans, LA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (April, 2002). COACh:  Catalyzing women’s participation in
    academic chemistry through proactive mentoring.
    Paper presented at Gender and Science Education (GASE) Colloquium, New Orleans, LA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (April, 2002). Flyy girls, smuts & baby daddy’s: Students’ gender roles and learning science in urban schools. Paper presented as part of the symposium C. Milne (organizer) Equity and Urban school science: Possibilities and challenges. at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, New Orleans, LA.
  • Milne, C. Scantlebury, K. & Otieno, T. (April, 2002). Students’, teachers, and researchers’ cultural transformations and professional education programs for teachers: coherence and contradictions A Calabrese-Barton (Symposium organizer) Crafting socially just and empowering science education in urban settings. Paper presented for presentation at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Kahle, J. B., Meece, J. & Gohn, A.J. (April, 2001). Students’, teachers and researchers’ perceptions of standards-based teaching practices in science and mathematics middle school classes.Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
  • McKinley, E., Scantlebury, K., & Jesson, J. (April, 2001). Mixing metaphors: Science, culture and globalization.  Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
  • Scantlebury, K. Equity praxis and pedagogy within the sciences.(March, 2001). Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, St Louis, MI.
  • Boone, W., Scantlebury, K & Kahle, J. (March, 2001). Equity and measurement in science education - How the Rasch Model can improve the precision, usefulness, and fairness of testing. Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, St Louis, MI.
  • Kahle, J. B, Scantlebury, K. Clark, J. & DeBoer, G. (March, 2001). Science education initiatives & programs
    at NSF’s Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education (ESIE).
    Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, St Louis, MI.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Kahle, J. B, (January, 2001). ESIE Programs for science teacher professional development, materials development, and informal science education. Paper presented at the Association for Educators of Teachers of Science, Costa Mesa, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (April, 2000). Science education for all? Examining Connections/Disconnection Between Theory and Classroom Practice and finally moving this idea from Rhetoric toward Reality. Panel, Respondent, Symposium presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, New Orleans, LA.
  • Boone, W, Scantlebury, K., &. Kahle, J. B. (April, 2000). Five years of State-wide Science Measurement. Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, New Orleans, LA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Kahle, J. B., & Meece, J. (April, 2000). Urban African American middle school science students: Does standards-based teaching make a difference?  Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Scantlebury, K. & Jones, L. S.  (April, 2000). Social justice leadership by science educators in natural science departments. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Boone, W., Scantlebury, K., &. Kahle, J. B. (January, 2000). Science teacher education and reform: An instrument to measure opportunities to learn. Paper presented at the Association for the Education of Teachers of Science Annual Meeting, Akron, OH.
  • Scantlebury, K., Tobin, K., Kahle, J. B., & Ague, J. (July, 1999). The quiet achiever: Enacting culturally relevant science teaching in an American, urban middle school. Paper presented at 30th Australasian Science Educators Research Association Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand.
  • Fraser, B. J., Kahle, J. B., & Scantlebury, K. (April, 1999). Classroom, home, and peer environment influences on student outcomes: An analysis of systemic reform data. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
  • Scantlebury, K., Ague, J., Kahle, J. B., & Tobin, K. (April, 1999). Culturally relevant science teaching. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
  • Scantlebury, K., Kahle, J. B., Kelly, M. K., & Damnjanovic, A. (April, 1999). Steele Middle School. In P. Hewson (Chair), Equity in systemic reform: The case of mathematics and science in middle schools. Symposium presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Jones, L. (April, 1999). Science education as a site for feminist leadership in the natural sciences. Paper presented at Gender and Science Education (GASE) Colloquium, Boston, MA.
  • Boone, W., Scantlebury, K., & Kahle, J. B. (March, 1999). Challenges, false starts and successes: Using the Rasch Model to link science tests: A tool for the evaluation of reform. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Boston, MA.
  • Fraser, B., Kahle, J. B., & Scantlebury, K. (March, 1999). Classroom, home and peer environment influences on student outcomes: An analysis of systemic reform data. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Boston, MA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Boone, W., Damnjanovic, A., & Kahle, J. B. (March, 1999). Design of an evaluation tool to measure long-term systemic reform in science education. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Boston, MA.
  • Boone, W. J., Scantlebury, K., Kahle, J. B., & Damnjanovic, A. (January, 1999). An instrument to gauge teachers’ attitudes towards and assessment of parental involvement in middle school classrooms. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science, Austin, TX.
  • Kelly, M. K., Kahle, J. B., Scantlebury, K., & Damnjanovic, A. (January, 1999). Performance assessment as a tool to enhance teacher understanding of student conceptions of science. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science, Austin, TX.
  • Scantlebury, K., Jones, L., & Rodriguez, A. (April, 1998). Benefiting from the craftknowledge of mentors: How to advance the beginning researcher/professor’s academic career. Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference (NARST), San Diego, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Henderson, P., Lykens, S., Clements, R., Sossion, T., & Troxell, L. (April, 1998). Enhancing equity in science teaching: A collaborative effort. Paper presented at the NSTA, National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Scantlebury, K. (December, 1997). Science teachers’ perceptions of gender and science teaching. Paper presented at the Australasian Joint Regional Conference of Gender and Science and Technology (GASAT)-International Organisation of Science and Technology (IOSTE), Perth, Australia.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Johnson, E. (December, 1997). Equity and classroom interactions-Is your student teacher ready? National Science Teachers’ Association (NSTA), Regional Meeting, Nashville, TN.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Johnson, E. (December, 1997). Inquiry-Based science and physiology in the science methods classroom. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Regional Meeting, Nashville, TN.
  • Scantlebury, K., Oxenrieder, E., & Gleason, S. (November, 1997). Preparing student teachers to meet the NSES: Equity and classroom interactions. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Regional Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (July, 1997). Cooperating teachers: Catalysts in improving student teachers’ equitable teaching practices. 28th Australasian Science Educators Research Association Conference, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Bailey, B. (March, 1997). Enhancing equity in science teaching: A collaborative effort. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Oak Park, IL.
  • Scantlebury, K. (March, 1997). The three R’s of the three C’s reform, responsibility, and respect in cross-colleges collaborations. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Oak Park, IL.
  • Scantlebury, K., Bailey, B., Henderson, P., Lykens, S., Clements, R., Gleason, S., & Troxell, L. (April, 1997). Effective collaborations that promote and produce exemplary science teachers. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), National Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Gleason, S. (April, 1997). Cooperating teachers: Catalysts in changing preservice science teacher education. American Chemical Society, San Francisco.
  • Bailey, B., Gleason, S., & Scantlebury, K. (January, 1997). Preservice science teacher education: The National Science Education Standards and equity: Collaboration is the key. Association for the Education of Teachers in Science, Cincinnati, OH.
  • Bailey, B., & Scantlebury, K. (November, 1996). Theory meets practice in the methods course. Southeastern Association for the Education of Teachers in Science, Smyrna, GA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Henderson, P., Lykens, S., Clements, R. Gleason, S., & Philhower, M. (October, 1996). Effective collaborations that promote and produce exemplary science teachers. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Regional Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Bailey, B. (October, 1996More power to you! Cooperating teachers’ influence on student teachers. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Regional Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Quillen, A., Troxell, L., Henderson, P., Bailey, B., Scantlebury, K., & Johnson, E. (October, 1996). You too can mold millions of tiny minds! National Association of Biology Teachers, Charlotte, NC.
  • Scantlebury, K. (July, 1996). Making chemistry learning equitable and gender friendly. Symposium Organizer. 14th International Conference on Chemical Education, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Scantlebury, K. (July, 1996). Student teaching: The key to beginning the cycle of equitable teaching. 14th International Conference on Chemical Education, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Scantlebury, K. (July, 1996). Value, care and status: Understanding science teachers’ gender-related contradictions. 27th Australasian Science Educators Research Association Conference, University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
  • Scantlebury, K., Gleason, S., & Bailey, B. (August, 1996). Balancing the equity equation: Focusing on preservice chemistry education to achieve gender-sensitivity in high school chemistry. 14th Biennial Conference in Chemical Education, Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
  • Scantlebury, K. (April, 1996). Two different worlds: The science classroom environment from female and male students’ perspectives and preferences. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.
  • Bailey, B., Scantlebury, K., & Letts, (April, 1996). W. What is a gender-sensitive science teacher? National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.
  • Scantlebury, K., Letts, W., & Bailey, B. (April, 1996). It’s really nice to work with young people: Is science teaching “women’s true profession?” National Association of Research in Science Teaching, (NARST) Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.
  • Bailey, B., Scantlebury, K., & Letts, W. (March, 1996). Students’ critique leads to new research! National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), St. Louis, MO.
  • Scantlebury, K. (March, 1996). The role of business in science education reform. Symposium Organizer. American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Gleason, S., Lykens, S. R., & Bailey, B. (March, 1996). Cooperating teachers:Catalysts for challenging and changing preservice teachers teaching practices. American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Bailey, B., Letts, W., Johnson, E., Lykens, S., Clements, R., Gleason, S., & Lewis, R. (January, 1996). Creating a cycle of equitable teaching. Association for the Education of Teachers in Science, Seattle, WA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (Poster) (December, 1995). The preparation of gender-sensitive teachers in the University of Delaware’s Secondary Science Education Program. National Science Foundation, (NSF) Invitational Conference, Women & Science: Celebrating Achievements & Charting Challenges, Washington, DC.
  • Scantlebury, K., Laird, S., & Letts, W. (October, 1995). Reconciling the contradictions in science teaching. The Third International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Scantlebury, K., Gleason, S., Bailey, B., & Lykens, S. (August, 1995). Using research tools with cooperating teachers to improve the classroom practice of student teachers. American Chemical Society, Chicago.
  • Scantlebury, K. (April, 1995). Meeting the demands of a new position: The importance of mentors. American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA.
  • Baker, D., & Scantlebury, K. (April, 1995). Introduction to the monograph on gender equity. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • Bailey, B., Letts, W., & Scantlebury, K. (April, 1995). Teachers’ perceptions of the relative importance of science methods course topics. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Bailey, B. (March, 1995). Training secondary science teachers for a diverse society. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K., (March, 1994). Preparation of gender-sensitive secondary science teachers. American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (August, 1994). Maria Edgeworth: Eighteenth century pioneer of chemical education. 13th Biennial Conference in Chemical Education, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Bailey, B. (March, 1994). How can you tell students’ perceptions of gender-equity? Ask them! National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Anaheim, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (March, 1994). Preparing gender-sensitive science teachers. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (March, 1993). Preparing gender-sensitive educational leaders. National Association for Women in Education, Seattle, WA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Bailey, B., & Riley, D. (April, 1993). Equity for all! Towards a gender-sensitive science curriculum. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Kansas City, MO.
  • Baker, D., & Scantlebury, K. (April, 1993). Symposium Organizer, Feminist research methodologies. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (April, 1993) Symposium Participant, Can we make science gender-inclusive: Recent findings, thoughts, and concerns? National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Marion, S. (March, 1992). Gender differences on the Maine Educational Assessment science test. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Kahle, J. B. (July, 1991). Assessing the equitable science classroom. Sixth International Gender and Science and Technology (GASAT) Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Marion, S. (April, 1991). Gender bias on the science test of the Maine Educational Assessment test? Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization, Portsmouth, NH.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Kahle, J. B. (April, 1991). The implementation of equitable teaching strategies by biology student teachers. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Fontaine, WI.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Kahle, J. B. (April, 1991). The importance of planning in achieving an equitable science classroom. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Fontaine, WI.
  • Scantlebury, K. (Marcy, 1991).). Helping student teachers use equitable teaching strategies. National Science Teacher’s Association, Houston, TX.
  • Scantlebury, K. (October, 1990). Developing students’ spatial skills. Maine Science Teacher’s Association Annual Conference, Old Town, ME.
  • Scantlebury, K., & Kahle, J. B. (Poster Session). (April, 1990). Development of a gender environment scale. National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Green, N., & Kahle, J. B. (July, 1989). Teacher as researcher: A case study of collaborative research. National Coalition of Sex Equity in Education, Lowell, MA.
  • Scantlebury, K., Green, N., & Kahle, J. B. (July, 1989). Developing science skills. National Coalition of Sex Equity in Education, Lowell, MA.
  • Scantlebury, K. (February, 1989). What’s hot and what’s not in biology. Hoosier Science Teachers’ Association, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Scantlebury, K. (October, 1988). Aims and concerns of preservice high school biology teachers toward teaching. NSTA, Regional Meeting, Columbus, OH.
  • Scantlebury, K. (October, 1986). Inequity in the science classroom. 12th Annual Research in Science Education Conference, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia.
  • Scantlebury, K. (September, 1986). Trends & enrollment patterns of females in science courses and subjects at tertiary level and Year 12 in Western Australia. Western Australian Institute of Educational Research Forum, Perth, Australia.