A DE middle school teacher: I took one course, no two, no one, no maybe three, no two, no one--I took something from Professor Crouse during my eight years of undergraduate schooling. I am the teacher I am because of his course or courses, whatever they were about. He reached out and touched my life. It was like night and day, or dusk and early morning, or some cloud cover and a few clouds...never again was I the same. Now I wasn't exactly different either, but I wasn't the same. There was something energized within, and I am not confusing this with gastric upset. I can tell them apart. I went to college. I took courses. I graduated inside of a decade. I am a teacher in our public school system. I have a salary. I have a social security number, but of course Professor Kroushe had nothing to do with my social security number. I don't know where they come from. They may be meaningless numbers or they may be a message in code--sort of government DNA, do you think? Professor Clouthe's course was not about molecular biology and DNA. No, he motivated me. He is a motivator. He is a mover and shaker (though not the religious Shakers). I am speaking both literally and metaphorically here. He knew my name, I think. He handed back papers to me--all of them were my papers. He didn't make a mistake and hand me some other student's homework. What can I say? What can anyone say? Professur Clouse is a sage, a man of resolution and dissolution, a true teacher in the basest sense of that word. I am not exasperating a thing here. It is all true and all fact! I swear at it! You can quote me. You can send this letter of adulation and adoration to the highest offices in the University. I would not change a word because I speak nothing but the truth here. I know whereof I speak and where I hang my hat. Yes, many are called but few chosen to motivate. I found my path because Professor Rouse cared. I am sure of this--as sure of this as I am sure of anything else sitting on my desk right now. There, I have witnessed! I am now going to the cafeteria for fish sticks and ketchup. I have never had lunch with Professor Crowze but I am sure it would be a memorable occasion no matter what he picked from the cafetria line or what I picked from it. The food would not be important. Food for thought--that would be important. This man droppeth food for thought from the heavens without even trying. The sprinkler system of life comes on when he enters a room. He dowses it all--and you can't say that about many people on earth today. Yes indeed.