RETREAT TO SUCCEED!!!! Join Jim Himself at the JuJu Bee Retreat in beautiful Marcus Hook, PA, at the Motel 7.5 just off the interstate. All rooms at a special $12/double oocupancy rate. Get together with teaching greats from the tri-state area and hear how they went up, up, and away on the ladder of pedagogical success--and how their methods can work for you, too. Yes, you, too! Their methods! You will sit around the overhead projector late at night in the Motel 7.5 ice and cold beverage area, listening to the greats tell their action-packed teaching stories. For example, hear the simply marvelous and always beloved Professor Klaus Bob Dasteinschmidtszell relate his personal saga about overcoming the pressure to publish something when his true love was walking amongst and advising the drifting youth of our colleges--he triumphed from instructor to chaired professor without publishing a single thing! Not one! No sir, he made his claim to fame as a simply marvelous pedagogue--known for the sunny disposition, the firm handshake, the quaint accent, the sincere countenance, the fun exam. So can you! Wake up from your dogmatic slumbers and get on the fast track to released time, merit raises, and on-campus powers without ever entering a lab or getting a grant. This is it--one time only--sign up for the retreat: fall back to go forward! Why spend one more day as a prune-faced professor? Pick up that phone and call Jim at the toll free hotline to reserve your place at this self-esteem festival in the dark. See you there!