James Crouse went to an exclusive, very selective liberal arts college known for preparing its students for stellar careers in the public and private sector, not to mention the recording industry. He majored in psychology because he, unlike many technocrats inhabiting academia in our time, truly hankers for profound wit and eternal wisdom plus a flat tax. He went on to study at Northwestern University where he quickly became known as one of their elite scholars and hot prospects on the psychological scene. A true altruist, he denied himself high paying jobs with ETS and therapeutic combines. He went to remedy the ills of our public school system in order that your children and his children and his grandchildren and his great grandchildren and your grandchildren and everyone's descendants--no matter their country of origin--might reach their academic potential made actual and taxable. Ah, as that odious educator of the middle east, Momar "The Learned Man" Khadafi said: Jim iz dah Manh! I coold geht violeeent on hiz behalfff, tee hee! Rama Jim! Rama Jim dah Manh!