Prelis2 man page

prelis2 Program 

       Program for multivariate data screening and data 
       summarization. Produces correlation and covariance 
       matrices and estimates of their respective asymptotic
       covariance matrices to be used by the lisrel8 program. 
       Supports foreground and background operations.

SYNTAX ( foreground operation ) 

prelis2 [inputfile] [outputfile] [-size=nnnn] [-noquery] 


       filename (with path if necessary) of the PRELIS command 
       file (described in Joreskog, K.G. and Sorbom, D. (1988) 
       PRELIS, A Preprocessor for LISREL. User's Guide.
       Chicago, IL: Scientific Software).
       Filename and path may be up to 127 characters long. 

       Default: INPUT
       Note: PRELIS will prompt for an alternate filename if 
                  the file cannot be found. The program will stop 
                  if the file exists, but the user has no read-access


       filename (with path if necessary) of the PRELIS list 
       output file. 
       Filename and path may be up to 64 characters long. 

       Default: OUTPUT
       Note: PRELIS will terminate if the user does not have 
                  write-access rights for both file and directory. 

       Size of the dynamically allocated workspace memory 
       region (in Kbytes) for data storage and 

       Default: 256 

       Note: If a region of nnnnK is not available, 
       the programs will display the size of the largest 
       available memory region and request a new size value. 

       Note: In addition to this workspace (size) allocation, 
       prelis reserves at least another 256K to satisfy 
       low-level dynamic memory requirements such as file 
       buffers (cf. AIX-LISREL7/PRELIS User instructions). 


       (Logical switch) Short form: -noq 

       When this option is given on the command line, the 
       program will take default actions if necessary resources 
       are missing or insufficient. In particular, it will 

       (a) automatically use the largest possible memory region 
           for workspace if the '-size' parameter is set too 

       (b) terminate if a specified input file could not be 
           found, and 

       (c) overwrite existing files with the same name as PRELIS 
           output files if they are not write-protected. 

       Note: When the '-noquery' option is used, both input
                         and output filenames must appear on the command line, 
                         otherwise the defaults INPUT and OUTPUT are enforced. 

Syntax ( background operation ) 

prelis2 [inputfile] [outputfile] [-size=nnnn] (ampersand) 

    When a trailing ampersand (&) is added to the prelis command
    line, then the program will run in the background. It is 
    important to remember that no dialog with the user is 
    possible in background mode, and the program will behave 
    just as if the '-noquery' switch had been set. In all other 
    respects, the prelis command line arguments have the same 
    meaning as in the foreground mode.
    If the program encounters start-up difficulties before the 
    outputfile has been opened, it will leave a diagnostic
    message in a file called 'prelis.log' and terminate. 
    prelis.log will be located either in the user's home 
    directory, or in the default working directory from which 
    the program was started. 

    a. To compute a large covariance matrix, using the PRELIS 
       command file 'large.input.problem', with a workspace
       allocation of 4Mbytes and to send the list output to the 
       file 'big.output', specify: 

           prelis2 large.input.problem big.output -size=4096 

    b. To execute the previous example in the background, simply 
       append an ampersand at the end of the command line: 

           prelis large.input.problem big.output -size=4096 & 

Sample Problems (from the User's Guide) 

    All sample problems presented in the User's Guide were 
    shipped as ASCII files with the original PRELIS distribution 
    material. Please contact the system administrator for 
    information about where these files are now stored.
Related Program(s) 

   To estimate confirmatory factor analyses and/or structural 
   equation models using the descriptive statistics produced by
   PRELIS, use the lisrel8 program, also installed on this 

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PRELIS(tm) is a trademark of Scientific Software, Inc.