Problem-Based Learning Clearinghouse\

    Are You Really Sure the Problem is That Serious?

Part 3.
Utilizing sound anatomical logic, answer the following questions:

  1. What is your diagnosis for this patient?

  2. Outline the anatomy of the peripheral nerves that would account for this patient's lack of motor and sensory activity.

  3. Outline the anatomy of the peripheral vascular system that would account for this patient's lack of pulse in both the dorsal pedis and fibular artery in the left extremity.

  4. Describe the procedure an orthopedic surgeon would utilize to measure the pressures within the lateral and anterior compartments of the leg. What would a "normal" pressure be within each of these compartments in a recumbent, normotensive adult, and what range of pressure would you expect to see that would account for the patient's symptoms?

  5. Give an anatomical definition of a "fasciotomy."

  6. Give a detailed anatomical description of the compartments of the lower limb.
  © Robert B Tallitsch, Augustana College, 2012.
PBL Clearinghouse


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