Problem-Based Learning Clearinghouse\

Format of Delivery/Teaching Notes
Title: Fifty Miles for My Fiftieth Birthday

This problem has been utilized in Human Anatomy classes with an enrollment ranging from 40 to 80 students. The following documents accompany this problem:

  1. "The Group Process." During the 25+ years I have been teaching by PBL I have come to find that students do not understand how to work in a group and, as a result, I have come to spend time in class teaching students how to work in a group. Over the past five or so years this process and accompanying document have been successfully developed and implemented.

  2. The step-by-step PBL process that I utilize in my classes. This is provided for information only; each instructor needs to develop his/her own process for teaching by PBL. Over the years I have found that three-part problems work best with my students. In addition, I have found that a detailed grading rubric (see accompanying rubric) is essential for students to understand how they will be graded on any and all PBL reports.

  3. Individual and team assessment. Again, these documents are provided for information only; each instructor needs to develop his/her own process for teaching by PBL and assessing student progress. I have found that students need to assess the quality of the work of their tema members, as well as reflect on the quality of their own work as a team member. I do not utilize these forms in the assignment of grades for the PBL reports or for the overall course grades. I do use them, however, in the event that one or more members of a PBL group have a complaint regarding the quality (or lack thereof) of the work of one of their PBL group members.


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