Problem-Based Learning Clearinghouse
Guidelines for Authors

PBL Clearinghouse publishes articles and problems on an ongoing basis.  The Clearinghouse invites the submission of original articles on a full range of topics related to the use of problem-based learning in the undergraduate setting, for example, issues of student learning and assessment, diverse models of problem-based learning, and the use of problem-based learning in a variety of class settings and class sizes. PBL problems and supporting materials, including student learning objectives, student and instructor resources, teaching notes, assessment strategies, and solution notes, are solicited for all disciplines

Submissions containing original material are accepted for consideration if neither the article/problem nor any part of its essential substance has been or will be published or submitted elsewhere before appearing in the PBL Clearinghouse. A manuscript described below may refer to an article or a problem.

Authors’ Names

Names, affiliations, and addresses must be provided for all authors.  The online submission form will guide you through this process. All co-authors must be registered users and authors of the Clearinghouse.


Provide an abstract of not more than 250 words in the designated space.  The abstract should be clear and informative and give an indication of the scope of the article and its main arguments.


Abbreviations in the text should be used sparingly and should be explained at the first occurrence.  Abbreviations and other conventions (capitals, italics, symbols) should be used consistently throughout the article.

Numbers, Dates

Numbers below 10 should be expressed in words.  Four figure numbers should have a comma, thus, 4,000.  Decades should be written ‘the 1950s.’  Dates in the text should be written in full, thus: 24 September 1994.


Tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text of the article.  A table/figure title should describe the content of the table, so that the table/figures can be understood without reference to the text.  Give the units of measure for all numerical data in a table or figure.


Please avoid the use of footnotes or endnotes in the article manuscripts.  References to other works in the text of the manuscript should be indicated by author last name and page number within parentheses at the end of the appropriate sentence.  References for tables and figures should be similarly cited.  A complete list of references, or works cited, should be provided at the end of the manuscript.  Please conform to American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines on how to cite books, journals, other media sources, or electronic information.  An adaptation of the APA Style Guide is available online at

Review and Action

Manuscripts are vetted by topical editors and sent to appropriate reviewers.  An initial decision about a manuscript should be sent to the author within four weeks.  Manuscripts will initially be rejected, accepted, or accepted pending minor or major revisions.  For information about the status of a submitted manuscript, send email to:


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