Como agua para chocolate 
The complete name of this novel is: 
"Como agua para chocolate - Novela de entregas mensuales, con recetas, amores y remedios caseros". . . Like Water for Chocolate - a Novel delivered monthly with Recipes, Love and Home Remedies. 

    There are 12 chapters, one for each month of the year.  Each chapter begins with a recipe;  you will see the list of ingredients, as well as the recipe "preparation steps".  With regard to the ingredients on the list - many are particular to the Mexican countryside.  With regard to the preparation steps - they are integrated throughout the chapter. 

    The story is narrated by the great-niece of the main character, Tita.  As she is preparing the meals, each one reminds her of a story about Tita, and this is what keeps the novel moving along. 
ÍNDICE        AYUDA        VOLVER         CONTINUAR 
