How to Select the International Keyboard on Windows 98 and ME Computers

NOTE: The Media Center is the only computing site on the UD campus which has the International Keyboard pre-selected. If you are at any other computing site on campus, or at home, you must  follow these instructions in order to create accent marks in Pine, Netscape Mail, MS Word, Word Perfect, or Atajo.

NOTE: At this point, the program might prompt you to put in the Windows CD. If you do not have it available, try typing in c:\windows\system as the place to look for the keyboard files. Most of the time, the keyboard files that you need are in this directory and you will not actually need the Windows CD.

Your workstation is now ready to produce accented and other special characters for languages which require them:

To get the following Characters, enter the following Key Sequences:

Character    =   Key Sequence

ñ            =        ~n

Ñ            =          ~N

á            =         'a

Á            =         ‘A

            =         ^A

é             =         'e     (regular apostophe)

è            =          `e     (backwards apostrophe)

í              =           'i

ó             =         'o

ú              =        'u

ü             =         "u

¿  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press /

¡  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press 1

ß  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press s

 ç  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press ,

 ©  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press c

æ  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press z

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