You must first set your keyboard to International Keyboard.  All computers in the Foreign Language Media Center are set to International Keyboard.

To get the following Characters, enter the following Key Sequences:

Character    =   Key Sequence

ñ            =        ~n

Ñ            =          ~N

á            =         'a

Á            =         ‘A

            =         ^A

é             =         'e     (regular apostophe)

è            =          `e     (backwards apostrophe)

í              =           'i

ó             =         'o

ú              =        'u

ü             =         "u

¿  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press /

¡  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press 1

ß  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press s

 ç  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press ,

 ©  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press c

æ  Special key sequence: Hold down the right ALT key and press z

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