Reflective Essay: Summary of Observations



This essay provides an opportunity to summarize, to analyze and to reflect upon the observations made in Elementary and High School class visitations. It will enable you to focus on the methodologies you plan to use when you begin your student teaching.


1. Begin with a general statement listing the elements you will discuss such as content, skills, grouping, assessment…

2. Proceed to comment on lesson planning, delivery and assessment as they take into account:

A.      Language acquisition theories

B.       Linguistic proficiency and multiple intelligences

C.       The learner’s age /development and world experience

D.      The roles of teacher and student

E.       The interactions between teacher and student and student and student

F.       Diversity

G.       The affective environment

H.      The materials and aids used to engage the students

3. Conclude with a reflective statement that outlines the goals you have set for yourself as a teacher in training.


This essay should not exceed four typed and double-spaced pages.